DAL: NH-DAL-15-02 - MDS Version 3.0 Change of Designation of Local Contact Agencies

February 9, 2015

DAL: NH-DAL-15-02 - MDS Version 3.0 Change of Designation of Local Contact Agencies

Dear Nursing Home Administrator:

This letter is to inform you of a change to the designation of Local Contact Agencies required by the implementation of the Minimum Data Set (MDS) Version 3.0, Section Q. The New York Association on Independent Living (NYAIL) is the statewide contact for all Section Q referrals effective January 1, 2015.

As you are aware, Section Q of the MDS version 3.0 requires that all nursing home residents are periodically assessed to determine the feasibility of, and interest in, discharge to the community. The assessments must be completed upon admission to the nursing home annually, and whenever there is a significant change requiring a reassessment. If it is determined feasible, and the nursing home resident expressed interest in returning to the community, the nursing home must make a referral to a designated local contact agency within ten business days.

Upon receiving this referral, a regional transition specialist will be assigned to meet with the resident to provide objective information on all available home and community-based options. If the resident wishes to transition and the transition is deemed feasible, it is the expectation of the Department that the nursing home staff tasked with discharge plan development will cooperate with the transition specialist who may need to provide community readiness training in preparation for the resident to return to the community.

When contacting the local contact agency (NYAIL), please specify that it is for an MDS or Section Q referral. For additional instructions regarding Section Q of the MDS, please refer to the CMS RAI Version 3.0 Manual available at http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/NursingHomeQualityInits/MDS30RAIManual.html.

NYAIL can be contacted at (518) 465-4650 or at their website, www.ilny.org. Should you have any questions, please send an e-mail to: mfp@health.ny.gov.


David Hoffman M.Ed. C.C.E.
Director, Bureau of Community
Integration and Alzheimer's Disease  
Jacqueline Pappalardi, Director
Division of Nursing Homes ICF/IID & Surveillance
Center for Health Care Provider Services and Oversight