DAL: DRS 11-02: NY MDS 3.0 Requirements, Including Sections S and Z
March 8, 2011
Dear Administrator:
The purpose of this letter is to provide you with advance notice of changes to the NY Section S Minimum Data Set (MDS 3.0) requirements and other MDS 3.0 related information effective April 1, 2011.
Beginning April 1, 2011, the NY MDS 3.0 Section S (version 01/31/2011) form will contain only two items to identify those residents who are eligible for Medicaid's specialty unit/facility reimbursement or add-ons for specific conditions, and to document the resident's primary payor. The new version will replace the six current items. The new Section S: (NY) Form and Instructions (version 01/31/2011) are attached, as well as a Section S Item Crosswal that compares the items in the current and the new versions of Section S.
The attached Section Z: (NY) Instructions (version 01/31/2011) describes the option for the nursing home to verify its calculation of the Medicaid RUG-III case mix group and provides directions for configuring RUG calculation software. NY will continue to employ the current 53 Group RUG-III Classification System model, version 5.20, with NYS-Specific RUG Weights for Medicaid reimbursement.
The Minimum Data Set 3.0 User's Manual provides instructions for completing the MDS assessment based upon federal requirements. In some instances, the manual refers to state-specific requirements. The NY Appendix A: NY-Specific Requirements attachment addresses these requirements.
Nursing home providers currently using the CMS Resident Assessment Validation and Entry (jRAVEN) software for MDS processing must obtain the updated version of jRAVEN, which is expected to be available in late March 2011. It is important to install this update which includes the changes necessary to support the new version of Section S. The attached NY Appendix B: jRAVEN Configuration Instructions for NY describes how to obtain the software updates and apply the NY configurations.
Please share copies of this letter and its attachments with your MDS software vendor, MDS coordinator, and others in your facility. It remains the responsibility of each nursing home administrator to communicate this information to the appropriate persons. The letter and attachments will be accessible on the Department of Health public website location http://www.health.ny.gov/forms/#M under the Minimum Data Set link.
Any questions regarding the requirements or specifications should be directed to Kathleen Minucci, R.N., MDS RAI Clinical Coordinator, or John Huffaker, MDS Automation Coordinator via the MDS Help Desk at Email: mds3@health.state.ny.us, Voice: (518) 408-1658, or Fax: (518) 408-1636.
Jacqueline Pappalardi
Director of Residential Services
Office of Long Term Care