DAL 09-01 - Adult Day Health Care Program Acuity Survey

March 23, 2009

DRS/DAL: #09-01
Adult Day Health Care Program
Acuity Survey

Dear Long Term Care Facility Administrator:

In July 2008, the Department provided notification to all NYS Adult Day Health Care (ADHC) programs of our intent to collect additional information on service utilization and acuity levels of Adult Day Health Care program registrants. Over the past year, staff from the Office of Long Term Care reached out to members of the Adult Day Health Care Council for input to create an acuity tool that will provide an accurate snapshot of ADHC program registrants. Attached please find the new Adult Day Health Care program Acuity Survey Spread Sheet, Cover Page and Instructions. The majority of information necessary to complete this survey should be easily retrieved from the Registrant Assessment Instrument (RAI). This is a retrospective review of the individuals served in each of your programs from the period October 1, 2008 through and including October 31, 2008.

The 2009 Acuity Survey Spread Sheet and Cover Page must be completed for each ADHC program operated by your facility. Detailed instructions needed to complete this survey are included in the attachments below. All portions of the survey should be completed in their entirety and submitted electronically to the Department at BQA@health.state.ny.us or via postal mail to the Bureau of Quality Assurance and Surveillance 161 Delaware Avenue Delmar NY 12054-1393, no later than April 28, 2009. If you are unable to access any of the information electronically, please contact Cathleen Bobrick, Bureau of Quality Assurance and Surveillance at (518) 408-1282 for further assistance.

We look forward to your cooperation in the timely completion and submission of the ADHC program Acuity Survey and appreciate your continued efforts to provide quality care to our ADHC program registrants.


Mark Kissinger, Deputy Commissioner
Office of Long Term Care
