DAL NH 18-06 SCREEN and Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASARR)

  • Letter is also available in Portable Document Format

November 13, 2018

RE: DAL NH 18–06
SCREEN and Pre–Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASARR)

Dear Nursing Home Administrator:

The purpose of this communication is to reinforce key provisions of the Pre–Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASARR) assessment process. Please distribute this letter to staff involved with Admissions, Discharge Planning, and PASARR process.

PASARR is a federally–mandated process that requires all individuals seeking nursing home admission, be screened for possible serious mental illness (SMI) or intellectual disabilities/developmental disabilities (ID/DD) and related condition (RC). This initial pre– screening is referred to as a PASARR Level I and is completed prior to admission to a nursing home. A negative Level I screen permits admission to proceed and ends the PASARR process. A positive Level I screen, the applicant is identified with known or suspected SMI, ID/DD or RC, necessitates an in–depth evaluation of the individual by the state designated authority, known as a PASARR Level II which must be conducted prior to admission to a nursing home.

Federal PASARR regulations require that persons with known or suspected SMI, ID/DD, or a RC not be admitted to nursing homes until an assessment is completed, community alternatives are explored, and person–centered services are recommended to meet the individual´s PASARR–related needs. However, there are exemptions to this requirement under certain circumstances; known as categorical determinations, which are made in advance of an admission. There are specific guidelines for both individuals not identified by PASARR as having SMI, DD/ID or RC and for individuals previously identified by PASARR as having SMI, DD/ID or RC, regarding a significant change in physical or mental condition.

Please see attached guidelines.


Shelly Glock, Director
Division of Nursing Homes and ICF/IID Surveillance
Center for Health Care Provider Services and Oversight
