PMP/I-STOP - Prescription Monitoring Program- Internet System for Tracking Over-Prescribing

Prescription Monitoring Program Registry

Effective August 27, 2013, most prescribers are required to consult the Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Registry when writing prescriptions for Schedule II, III, and IV controlled substances. The PMP Registry provides practitioners with direct, secure access to view dispensed controlled substance prescription histories for their patients. The PMP is available 24 hours a day/7 days a week via an application on the Health Commerce System (HCS) at Patient reports will include all controlled substances that were dispensed in New York State and reported by the pharmacy/dispenser for the past year. This information will allow practitioners to better evaluate their patients' treatment with controlled substances and determine whether there may be abuse or non-medical use.

Prescription Monitoring Program Registry Confidential Drug Utilization Report Redesign

In May 2023, the Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement will be releasing an update to the Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Registry Confidential Drug Utilization Report.. This initiative was developed by the New York State Department of Health with the aim of improving patient safety and reducing the risk of medication-related overdoses.

Updates include:

  • A streamlined presentation of patient demographic information
  • Indicators for opioid, benzodiazepine, and stimulant prescriptions, including identification of current prescriptions.
  • Indicators for multiple provider episodes

A revised version of How to Read a Confidential Drug Utilization Report for a New York State Patient Search is available within the Prescription Monitoring Registry, Search Results Help section. This document provides additional details on how to use the updated patient search results report.

NYS Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Instructional Videos

Instructional videos for New York State Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) users are available for several NYS PMP topics. These videos give on-line guidance in the use of various features and functions of the PMP. The trainings may also be accessed from within the PMP Help area. An HCS account is necessary for viewing.

  • NYS Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Practitioner Reports: This video provides a demonstration for practitioners on how to use search tools to review practitioner history.
  • NYS Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Assigning a Designee: This video provides a demonstration for practitioners on how to make designee assignments.
  • NYS Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Reporting Suspicious Activity: This video provides a demonstration for practitioners on how to report suspicious activity.
  • NYS Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Requirements for New to Practice Residents and Interns: This training reviews requirements and process for using the Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Registry for new to practice residents and interns in medical teaching facilities.

Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Instructional Webinar

An on-line instructional webinar is available which covers a variety of topics associated with the New York State Prescription Monitoring Program Registry (PMP) including the use of the PMP registry search and use of the PMP Data Collection Tool.

Prescribers and pharmacists can earn 1.0 hour of free ACCME or ACPE continuing education for completing this program. The webinar, done in collaboration with the University at Buffalo, can be accessed at PMP Instructional Webinar.

PMP for Practitioners

Effective August 27, 2013, most prescribers are required to consult the PMP registry when writing prescriptions for Schedule II, III, and IV controlled substances. Practitioners may authorize designee(s) to check the registry on their behalf.

Each prescriber and authorized designee(s) must have an individual Health Commerce System (HCS) account to gain access to the PMP.

For assistance in obtaining a HCS account, contact the Commerce Accounts Management Unit at: 1-866-529-1890 Option 2

How to Add an Unlicensed Resident or Medical Intern to the PMP Designee Role and a HCS User to the PMP Designee Reviewer Role at Medical Teaching Facilities

Two new roles are currently available on the Health Commerce System (HCS) under the Hospital (pfi) organization: PMP DESIGNEE and PMP DESIGNEE REVIEWER. The PMP Designee role allows unlicensed residents/interns of a medical teaching facility to access the Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Registry on behalf of the institution. The PMP Designee Reviewer role allows employees of the medical teaching facility to monitor the use of the PMP application by unlicensed residents/interns. A HCS coordinator can assign unlicensed resident/interns with a HCS account to the PMP Designee role and hospital employees with a HCS account to the PMP Designee Reviewer role.

Please note: Residents/interns working in multiple facilities need to be assigned to the PMP Designee role by a coordinator from each facility.

PMP for Veterinarians

Veterinarians are specifically exempted from the requirement that the PMP Registry be consulted before prescribing or dispensing a controlled substance for a patient.

Veterinarians and other dispensing practitioners are required to report controlled substance dispensing activity to the NYS DOH Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement (BNE) within 24 hours.

PMP for Pharmacists

Effective August 27, 2013, the PMP Registry is available to NYS licensed pharmacists. Each NYS licensed pharmacist must have an individual Health Commerce System (HCS) account to gain access to the PMP Registry. Pharmacists may apply now for their individual HCS account by accessing the link below.

For assistance in obtaining a HCS account, contact the Commerce Accounts Management Unit at: 1-866-529-1890, option 2

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)