DAL 16-25 - Three-year Comprehensive Community Service Plan (CSP)
December 27, 2016
Dear Chief Executive Officer:
At this point in the year, it is expected that hospitals have been working with their local health department on completing the 2016-2018 three-year comprehensive Community Service Plan (CSP) that is due December 30, 2016. The guidance and template for creating the CSP is posted on the Prevention Agenda website at http://www.health.ny.gov/prevention/prevention_agenda/2013-2017/docs/letter_community_planning_guidance_2016_18.pdf.
As a reminder, the preparation of the CSP requires hospitals to work with their local health departments and the community they serve to review the data (provided on the New York State Department of Health's Prevention Agenda website) and to identify two priorities, as well as a health disparity tied to the Prevention Agenda. The identified items can be current priorities identified in prior updates or new priorities.
The CSP that hospitals will submit must describe the evidence-based interventions that will be implemented to address the selected priorities and the health disparity of interest. Hospitals and local health departments are encouraged to work together and can submit one plan per county that describes the efforts of all participants or hospitals and local health departments can submit individual organizational plans, if that works best in their county. Regardless of the approach, evidence of collaboration among local health departments, hospitals and community organizations in selecting or confirming local priorities and the health disparity, and addressing them, must be included.
The CSP is submitted through the Health Commerce System. In addition to submitting the CSP, hospitals must also submit a copy of their IRS Schedule H Form 990 separately to scheduleh@health.ny.gov by December 30, 2016. Complete instructions for submitting the CSP and the IRS Schedule H information are attached to this letter.
For questions on submission of these materials, contact Priti Irani of the Office of Public Health Practice at 518-402-5340 or by email at priti.irani@health.ny.gov or Charles Bonsu of the Division of Hospitals and Diagnostic & Treatment Centers at 518-402-1004, or by email at charles.bonsu@health.ny.gov.
Ruth Leslie
Division of Hospitals and Diagnostic & Treatment Centers