Sexual Violence Prevention Unit
Mission: Reduce sexual violence by implementing a public health approach.
Vision: A New York where all people are healthy, safe, and thriving.
- Prevention: Sexual violence is preventable. Prevention requires commitment and action from systems, communities, and individuals. Strategies at the society and community level of the social ecological model are most impactful.
- Response: Prevention is not possible without strong community supports for all survivors, accountability for people and systems who cause harm, and community healing.
- Evaluation: Data and evaluation are critical for responsible and equitable use of public funds.
- Health: Safety is a critical component of health. Sexual violence is a public health problem contributing to health disparities.
- Equity: Sexual violence is rooted in power inequality and is connected to other forms of oppression (NSVRC). Current and historical oppression, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, ageism, and more, create unequal burdens for some communities and individuals. Focusing efforts on those at greatest risk for violence will elevate the well-being of all.
- Community: People are best served by organizations that reflect their community. It is imperative for government organizations to listen, collaborate with, provide resources, and empower communities to build safe, thriving spaces in their own vision.
- Collaboration: A diverse range of voices are necessary to produce the most equitable outcomes. Communication among various perspectives is critical to create positive change.
- Autonomy: Recognizing and respecting an individual's ability to make decisions about their own body is essential for health, safety, and wellbeing.
- Accountability: Systems must improve transparency and take steps to reflect, learn, and own the impact on individuals and communities for public confidence and just governance.
- Partnership: Facilitate partnership with government, community-based organizations, and community members.
- Investment: Fund communities to enhance sexual violence prevention efforts.
- Education: Increase capacity of communities, organizations, and individuals to plan, implement, and evaluate sexual violence prevention and response efforts.
- Policy: Improve regulation, policy, procedure, and monitoring for sexual violence response and prevention.
- Evaluation: Compile existing data and increase data availability of sexual violence incidents, prevalence, and indicators by demographics for public use. Evaluate and research sexual violence response and prevention efforts.
- Rape Crisis Program
- Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners Program
- Rape Prevention and Education Program
Department of Health SVPU Contact Information
New York State Department of Health, Division of Family HealthBureau of Women, Infant, and Adolescent Health
Empire State Plaza - Corning Tower, Room 821
Albany, New York 12237
(518) 474-0535*
*Note:This shared mailbox is only monitored by Sexual Violence Prevention Program staff from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday and is intended for non-emergency purposes. If you are someone who has been sexually assaulted and you are seeking immediate assistance, please contact the New York State Hotline for Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence at 1-800-942-6906. If it is an emergency, contact 911.