Section V - Organizing an Immunization Clinic and Vaccine Administration
Overview of Suggestions for Organizing an Immunization Clinic
- Obtain support and cooperation from clinic staff;
- Seek out community resources;
- Assign a vaccination coordinator;
- Plan workflow and workspace;
- Purchase vaccine storage equipment;
- Purchase vaccine administration supplies;
- Purchase emergency response supplies;
- Arrange for staff training;
- Organize other vaccination paperwork and reference materials (VIS);
- Create standing orders documents; and
- Order vaccines.
For detailed information regarding organizing an immunization clinic, visit the Immunization Action Coalition website.
Overview of Vaccine Administration Tasks
This section provides a brief overview of how schools may want to run a clinic. For more detailed information, please refer to the Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) website listed below and the following pages regarding the administration of vaccines.
- Always provide a Vaccine Information Statement (VIS)
- Give vaccine properly
- Use the proper site of injection (see how to administer intramuscular and subcutaneous injections to adults on following page).
- Load the syringe with vaccine
- Give injections by the correct route – intramuscular or subcutaneous
- Give all needed vaccines at the same time
- Safely dispose of the needle and syringe
- Prepare and watch for an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)
- Always report all adverse events to VAERS
- Communicate about appointments for subsequent doses
- Understand the proper spacing of doses
For detailed information regarding organizing an immunization clinic, visit the Immunization Action Coalition website.
Also avalable from the Immunization Action Coalition: