The Managed Long Term Care Independent Consumer Advocacy Network and Ombudsman Program
Request for Applications RFA Number: #20481, SFS Number: #OMBRFA
Issued by
New York State Department of Health
Office of Health Insurance programs
Division of Health Plan Contracting and Oversight
Schedule of Events
Release Date: | 7/18/2024 |
Questions Due: | 8/1/2024 |
Questions, Answers and Updates Posted (on or about) | 8/21/2024 |
Applications Due: | 9/20/2024 by 4:00 PM |
NYSDOH Contact Name & Address
Brian Loucks
99 Washington Ave, Rm. 1720
Albany, NY 12237
To learn more about this Bid (opportunity), please go to the NYS Statewide Financial System (SFS) at the following web address: SFS Public Portal Homepage
Applications must be submitted online via the Statewide Financial System by the date and time posted on the Cover Page of this RFA under the heading "Key Dates".
Reference materials and videos are available for Grantees applying to funding opportunities on the NYS Statewide Financial System. Please visit the Statewide Financial System website at the following web address: SFS Public Portal Homepage and click the "Search for Grant Opportunities tile." There is also a more detailed "Statewide Financial System: Vendor User Guide" available in the documents section under Training & Guidance; For Grant Applicants located in SFS Coach. Training webinars are also provided by the Grants Management Team. Dates and times for webinar instruction can be located at the following web address: Live Webinars | Grants Management (
To apply for this "bid event" opportunity (that is, to submit an Application):
- Log into the Statewide Financial System Vendor Portal.
- Click the Grant Management Tile. Next, Click the Bid Event Search tile.
- Enter the applicable search criteria in the Search Criteria Fields. Locate an opportunity; search by Funding Agency (DOH01) or enter the Grant Opportunity name into the Search by Grant Opportunity field. You can also filter search by Status such as "available" which filters to include only the bid events that are published and open for potential bid response.
- Click on "Search" button to initiate the search.
- Click on Event ID link to initiate a bid response.
- Please review the Grantee User Manual found in SFS Coach for additional steps on how to respond to various types of Bid Events.
Once the Application is complete, a prospective Applicant is strongly encouraged to submit their Application at least 48 hours prior to the Application's due date and time specified on the Cover Page of this RFA. This will allow sufficient opportunity for the Applicant to obtain assistance and take corrective action should there be a technical issue with the submission process. Failure to leave adequate time to address issues identified during this process may jeopardize an Applicant's ability to submit their Application. Both NYSDOH, SFS, and Grants Management staff are available to answer an Applicant's technical questions and provide technical assistance prior to the Application due date and time. Contact information for the Grants Management Staff and SFS is available under Section IV.B. (Question and Answer Phase) of this RFA.
PLEASE NOTE: Although NYSDOH and the Grants Management staff will do their best to address concerns that are identified less than 48 hours prior to the due date and time for the submission of an Application, there is no guarantee that they will be resolved in time for the Application to be submitted on time and, therefore, considered for funding.
During the application process, please pay particular attention to the following:
- Not-for-profit Applicants must be prequalified, if not exempt, on the date and time Applications in response to this Request for Applications (RFA) are due as specified in the "Key Dates" set forth on the Cover Page of this RFA. Be sure to maintain prequalification status between funding opportunities. NOTE: Three of a not-for-profit's essential financial documents - the IRS990, its Financial Statement, and its Charities Bureau filing - expire on an annual basis. If these documents are allowed to expire, the not-for-profit's prequalification status expires as well, and it will not be eligible for State grant funding until its documentation is updated and approved, and prequalified status is reinstated.
- Only individuals with the role of "Bid Response Submitter" can submit an Application on behalf of an Applicant.
- Prior to submission, the Statewide Financial System will automatically initiate a global error checking process to protect against an incomplete Application. An Applicant may need to attend to certain parts of the Application prior to being able to submit the Application successfully. An Applicant must be sure to allow time after pressing the submit button to clean up any global errors that may arise. (Vendor User Guide).
- Applicants should use numbers, letters, and underscores when naming their uploaded files. There cannot be any special characters in the uploaded file name. Also, be aware of the restriction on file size (20 MB) when uploading documents. Applicants should ensure that any attachments uploaded with their application are not "protected" or "pass-worded" documents.
The Applicant's Delegated Administrator is able to assign, modify, remove roles for the applicant in SFS. Please see SFS Vendor Portal Access Reference Guide ( for additional information on roles. Bid Response Initiator and Bid Response Submitter are the necessary roles for applying to a Bid Event in SFS. If you are a not-for-profit you will also need Prequalification Processor for Prequalification purposes.