Supplemental Support to Ryan White Programs

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) AIDS Institute (AI) announces this Solicitation of Interest (SOI) to determine eligibility contingent upon the availability of funding for organizations that receive Ryan White funding impacted by the loss of 340B associated pharmacy claim revenue as a result of the transition of the pharmacy benefit from Medicaid Managed Care to fee for service in the New York State Medicaid Program. Please note that the transition of the pharmacy benefit will not impact 340B revenue received from physician administered drugs, which are billed under the medical benefit and will remain in Medicaid Managed Care (MMC) – this survey is specific to only pharmacy claim revenue for 340B drugs billed in MMC under the pharmacy benefit.

Please submit the requested information via the electronic survey below. This survey requests information related to your organization's ability to bill Medicaid directly, your organization's operating budget, and 340B-related information for your organization. Full responses, including uploads, are required for a submission to be considered complete. Only complete submissions received by the due date will be considered.

Only the first Official Submission – a signed and submitted survey will be accepted per organization, should a second survey be received, NYSDOH will only consider the first survey received. Please note that this email could be sent to multiple contacts within your organization.

This notification and survey information can be found in the New York State Contract Reporter: and also by clicking the electronic survey link:

Please complete and submit this survey by no later than 8:00 AM EST on May 8, 2023.

Funding for this project is contingent on the availability of State funds and the number of eligible applicants that respond to the advertisement. Available funding to support this initiative will be limited to the amount(s) appropriated in the enacted State Fiscal Year budgets for this purpose. The anticipated contract term is October 1, 2023- September 30, 2028. The resulting contract will be a cost reimbursable contract. This advertisement is not a guarantee or promise of funding.

The Department reserves the right to withdraw this solicitation and/or issue a competitive procurement for this project if the number of interested and eligible parties exceed that which can be reasonably accommodated by available funds.

Contact Information

Samuel Meyer, Executive Office Coordinator
AIDS Institute
New York State Department of Health
