Request for Qualifications (RFQ) - Independent Quality Monitor

The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to establish a list of qualified individuals capable of serving as an Independent Quality Monitor (IQM) on an as-needed basis. Independent Monitors oversee improvement of regulatory deficiencies identified in residential health care facilities (RHCF) by the New York State Department of Health (DOH) in consultation with the nursing home. Assignments may be made based on the IQM expertise and geographic location. There is no guarantee of an assignment and DOH reserves the right to stop recruitment or utilization of the list at any time.


To be considered for the role of an Independent Quality Monitor, the candidate must:

  • Not be currently affiliated with any DOH-licensed, funded or otherwise authorized program;
  • Have practical experience and background in the operation of DOH certified or funded programs;
  • Be knowledgeable of current DOH and federal operating regulations, guidance documents and other relevant laws, rules and guidance relating to specific corrective actions;
  • Possess analytical abilities related to interpretation of data and written material; and
  • Demonstrate exceptional written and verbal communication skills.

Preference will be given to candidates with Surveyor Minimum Qualification Test (SMQT) certification.

Duties and Responsibilities

Based on the specific provider circumstances and identified needs, the duties, roles, and responsibilities of the Independent Quality Monitor shall be to:

  1. Act under the direction and at the behest of DOH while being retained by the nursing home;
  2. Oversee the implementation of all required corrective action as prescribed by DOH;
  3. Submit periodic progress reports, with the frequency determined by DOH, using a tool identified by or approved by DOH, as well as any additional relevant documentation requested by DOH, to the designated DOH representative;
  4. Meet with DOH staff when necessary to review activities and reports; and
  5. Perform any other duties as deemed necessary by DOH to support quality improvement efforts at the assigned nursing home(s).

How to Apply

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis beginning November 5, 2021. The Independent Quality Monitor list will be amended as applications are received and approved. DOH reserves the right to stop recruitment at any time.

Applications should be submitted via mail to with a subject line "IQM recruitment".