Climate Change and Health - What Communities Can Do
What Communities Can Do
Decisions and actions at the local level have a big impact on climate change. Use these resources to help prepare your communities for a changing climate:
- Consider the risks of climate change on people’s health, especially those who are more vulnerable, when making decisions about land use or local services.
- Improve notification systems that alert the public of weather-related and other emergencies.
- Set up cooling centers and update emergency response plans to consider climate change.
- Create local programs that encourage residents to reduce their carbon footprint.
Community Resources & Tools
Air Quality
- Air Pollution Data: View county data on outdoor air pollutants of concern.
- Outdoor Air and Health: Learn what steps to take when outdoor air is unhealthy.
- Exposure to Smoke from Fires: Learn how wildfire smoke impacts your health.
Building Climate Adaptation at the Local Level
- Climate Adaptation Virtual Workshop Series: Watch the Climate Adaptation Virtual Workshop Series to learn more about building resilience at the local level.
- Climate Adaptation Toolkit: Read stories by local health departments and explore resources on climate and health.
- Funding Opportunities: Learn more about climate adaptation funding opportunities from NYSERDA, NYSACHO, Climate Smart Communities and others.
- CDC Climate and Health: Explore resources on the Building Resilience Against Climate Effects Model and the Climate-Ready States and Cities Initiative.
- Resources for Public Health Professionals: Use these resources, guidance, trainings, evaluation tools, webinars, data and tools, and videos.
- Climate and Health: A Guide for Cross-Sector Collaboration: Explore methods that support health department outreach on climate adaptation.
- Responding to Climate Change in New York State (ClimAID): Review climate change impacts and adaptation strategies for water resources, coastal zones, ecosystems, agriculture, energy, transportation, telecommunications, and public health.
- New York State Disadvantaged Communities Barriers and Opportunities Report: Learn why some communities are disproportionately affected by climate change, air pollution, and have unequal access to clean energy.
- New York State Climate and Health Profile Report: Review this assessment of the impact of climate change on New York State.
Climate Mitigation
- Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act): Get the latest information on New York State's investments to address climate change.
- Climate Smart Communities (CSC) Program: Learn about the CSC program and find guidance on how to implement mitigation and adaptation actions at the local level.
- Climate Smart Communities: Connections with Public Health: This webcast addresses the impact of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions on public health and ways that local health departments can get involved. Local agencies can also learn more about the benefits of becoming a Climate Smart Community and the actions they can take to get certified.
Extreme Heat
- Extreme Heat Advice: Provides tips on how to stay cool during summer heat and how to protect those who may be more at-risk
- Cooling Center Finder: Provides information on places where people can go to cool down during extreme heat.
- Heat and Health Infographic: Learn more about extreme heat and what can be done to help people keep cool during the hottest days of the year.
- Heat Stress Data: Explore data on the percent of heat stress hospitalizations and emergency department visits in New York State due to heat.
- County Heat and Health Profiles: Identifies populations and neighborhoods at highest risk to inform efforts to prepare for and prevent heat-related illnesses.
- Heat Vulnerability Index Maps: Identifies areas in the state where people are vulnerable to heat. Heat vulnerability is how likely a person is to be injured or harmed during periods of hot weather.
- Extreme Heat and Health in New York State: Presents the latest research on extreme heat and its impact on health.
- Summer Safety Publications: Share these materials to promote hot weather safety.
Extreme Storms and Flooding
- Weather Emergencies: Extreme Weather and Flooding: Provides information on what to do before, during, and after extreme weather to keep people safely housed, nourished, and hydrated.
- Flooding and Private Wells: Provides information on restoring and testing private wells after a flood.
- Weather-Related Emergencies Publications: Share these materials on weather-related emergencies.
- Emergency Preparedness: Provides guidance on how to prepare for emergencies.
Harmful Blue-Green Algae Blooms (HABs)
- About HABs: Provides information on HABs and actions to take when they occur.
- NYS HABs Tracker: Tracks confirmed reports of HABs that have been investigated by the DEC.
- New York State Harmful Blue-Green Algae Blooms and Health: A Public Health Live! webinar on HABs and health.
- HABs Publications: Explore and share these resources.
Vector-Borne Disease
- Lyme Disease and Other Diseases Carried by Ticks: Provides information on how to protect against tick bites and diseases carried by ticks.
- Mosquitoes and Diseases: Provides information on diseases carried by mosquitoes, including Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE, "triple E") and West Nile Virus.
- Tick- and Mosquito-borne Diseases Publications: Explore and share these resources.
Other Climate and Health Resources
- NYS Environmental Public Health Tracking Data: Explore data and how disease rates and environmental conditions are changing over time.
- Climate Psychiatry Alliance: Find information and resources on how climate change affects mental health.