Protection Against Legionella
This web page provides information to comply with permanent regulatory requirements of the New York State Sanitary Code Title: Part 4-Protection Against Legionella. The information is primarily for:
- Cooling tower owners, operators, water treatment consultants and inspectors (Subpart 4-1).
- Operators of all general hospitals and residential health care facilities (Subpart 4-2).
Cooling Tower Owners and Operators
All owners of cooling towers in New York State are required to register, maintain, sample, disinfect and notify local health departments and the public of elevated levels of Legionella.
- Cooling Tower Requirements, Forms, Guides, & Templates
- Register a Cooling Tower & Submit Reports in New York State ( secure account).
- Cooling towers in New York City must also be registered with the City's Registry.
- Presentation: 10 NYCRR Part 4, Subpart 4-1, Protection Against Legionella, (PDF, 18pg, 518KB)
Hospitals and Residential Health Care Facilities
All covered Article 28 general hospitals and residential health care facilities are required to assess and sample their potable water systems for Legionella, and to institute control measures in the event of an exceedance.
- Owner's Guide to Legionella Regulations: Guidance for cooling tower operators (pub#6635)
- Quick Start Cooling Tower Reference: Bookmark with reminder information for cooling tower operators (pub#6634)
- Legionella Find It. Fix It: Tip sheet for building maintenance staff to identify and minimize Legionella growth (web only)
- Order Publications: Note pub# is needed on the order form.