Environmental Public Health Tracking Publications
Articles Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals, 2003-2019
- Ground-truth of a 1-km downscaled NLDAS air temperature product using the New York City Community Air Survey. H Eliezer, S Johnson, WL Crosson, MZ Al-Hamdan, TZ Insaf. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 13 (2), 024516. 2019
- Prenatal and Postnatal Early life exposures to ambient air pollution and development. S Ha, E Yeung, E Bell, T Insaf, A Ghassabian, G Bell, N Muscatiello, Mendola P. Environmental research 174, 170-175. 2019
- Comparison of multiple PM2. 5 exposure products for estimating health benefits of emission controls over New York State, USA. X Jin, AM Fiore, K Civerolo, J Bi, Y Liu, A van Donkelaar, RV Martin, Al-Hamdan M, Zhang Y, Insaf TZ, Kioumourtzoglou M-A, He MZ, Kinney PL. Environmental Research Letters 14 (8), 084023. 2019
- Maternal exposure to ozone and PM2.5 and the prevalence of orofacial clefts in four U.S. states. Zhou, Y., Gilboa, S.M., Herdt, M.L., Lupo, P.J., Flanders, W.D., Liu, Y., Shin, M., Canfield, M.A., & Kirby, R.S. Environmental Research. 153:35-40. 2017.
- Seasonal and temperature modifications of the association between fine particulate air pollution and cardiovascular hospitalization in New York state. Hsu, W. H., Hwang, S. A., Kinney, P. L., & Lin, S. Science of The Total Environment. 578:626-632. 2017.
- Assessing the Impact of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) on Respiratory-Cardiovascular Chronic Diseases in the New York City Metropolitan Area Using Hierarchical Bayesian Model Estimates. Weber, S.A., Insaf, T.Z., Hall, E.S, Talbot, T.O. & Huff, A.K. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 151:399-409. 2016.
- Classroom Conditions and CO2 Concentrations and Teacher Health Symptom Reporting. Muscatiello, N., McCarthy, A., Kield C., Hsu, W.H., Hwang, S-A. & Lin, S. Indoor Air. 25(2):157-167. 2015.
- Linking Air Pollution and Adverse Birth Outcomes: Environmental Public Health Tracking in New York State. Brown, J. Harris, G., Pantea, C., Hwang, S-A., & Talbot, T.O. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 21(2): S68-S74. 2015.
- Respiratory Hospitalizations in Association with Fine PM and its Components in New York State. Jones, R.R., Hogrefe, C., Fitzgerald, E.F., Hwang, S-A., Özkaynak, H., Garcia, V.C., & Lin. S. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 65(5): 559-569. 2015.
- Building-related Health Symptoms and Classroom Indoor Air Quality: A Survey of School Teachers in New York State. Kielb, C., Lin, S., Muscatiello, N., Hord, W., Rogers-Harrington, J. & Healy, J. Indoor Air. 25(4): 371-380. 2014.
- Associations between Summertime Ambient Pollutants and Respiratory Morbidity in New York City: Comparison of Results Using Ambient Concentrations versus Predicted Exposures. Jones R.R., Özkaynak H., Nayak S.G., Garcia, V., Hwang, S-A., & Lin, S. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2013(6): 616-626. 2013.
- Comparison of indoor air quality management strategies between the school and district levels in New York State. Lin S., Kielb C.L., Reddy, A.L., Chapman, B.R., & Hwang, S.A. Journal of School Health. 82(3):139-46. 2012.
- Lessons learned from the September 11th disaster: a state health agency perspective. Lin, S., Mauer, M.P., Jones, R., Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Hwang, S.A., & Fitzgerald, E.F. https://dx.doi.org/10.4137%2FEHI.S9237
- An Evaluation of Transported Pollution and Respiratory-related Hospital Admissions in the State of New York. Garcia, V., Gego, E., Lin, S., Pantea, C., Rappazzo, K., Rao S.T. & Wootten, A. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2(1): 9-15. 2011.
- Association between indoor mold and asthma among children in Buffalo, New York. Jones, R., Recer, G.M., Hwang, S.A., & Lin, S. Indoor Air. 21(2): 156-64. 2011.
- Indoor air polychlorinated biphenyl concentrations in three communities along the Upper Hudson River, New York. Wilson, L.R., Palmer, P.M., Belanger, E.E., Cayo, M.R., Durocher, L.A., Hwang, S.A., & Fitzgerald, E.F. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 61(3): 530-8. 2011.
- Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in indoor air and in serum among older residents of upper Hudson River communities. Fitzgerald, E.F., Shrestha, S., Palmer, P.M., Wilson, L.R., Belanger, E.E., Gomez, M.I., Cayo, M.R., & Hwang, S.A. Chemosphere. 85(2): 225-31. 2011.
- Residential mobility during pregnancy and the potential for ambient air pollution exposure misclassification. Chen, L., Bell, E.M., Caton, A.R., Druschel, C.M., & Lin, S. Environmental Research. 110(2): 162-8. 2010.
- The impact of school building conditions on student absenteeism in Upstate New York. Simons, E., Hwang, S.A., Fitzgerald, E.F., Kielb, C., & Lin, S. American Journal of Public Health. 100(9): 1679-86. 2010.
- Development of Exposure Characterization Regions for Priority Ambient Air Pollutants. Chinery R. & Walker. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal. 15(5): 876-889. 2009.
- Surveillance of the Short-term Impact of Fine Particle Air Pollution on Cardiovascular Disease Hospitalizations New York State. Haley, V.B., Talbot, T.O. & Felton, H.D. Environmental Health. 8: 42. 2009.
- Ambient Ozone Concentration and Hospital Admissions due to Childhood Respiratory Diseases in New York State, 1991-2001. Lin, S., Liu W., Bell, E.M., Walker, R.J., Kim, N.K. & Hwang, S-A. Journal of Environmental Research. 108(1): 42-47. 2008.
- Chronic Exposure to Ambient Ozone and Asthma Hospital Admissions among Children. Lin, S., Liu, X., Le, L. & Hwang, S-A. Environmental Health Perspectives. 116(12): 1725-1730. 2008.
- Outdoor air PCB concentrations in three communities along the Upper Hudson River, New York. Palmer, P.M., Belanger, E.E., Wilson, L.R., Hwang, S.A., Narang, R.S., Gomez, M.I., Cayo, M.R., Durocher, L.A., & Fitzgerald, E.F. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 54(3): 363-71. 2008.
- Residential proximity to large airports and potential health impacts in New York State. Lin, S., Munsie, J.P., Herdt-Losavio, M., Hwang, S.A., Civerolo, K., McGarry, K., & Gentile, T. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. 81(7): 797-804. 2008.
- Relating Air Quality and Environmental Public Health Tracking Data. Boothe, V, Dimmick, W.F. & Talbot, T.O. Ecology and the Environment. 85: 43-52. 2005.
- Asthma and air toxics: another potential source of positive bias. Boscoe, F.P., & Talbot, T.O. Environmental Health Perspectives. 111(16): A871. 2003.
Asthma and Cardiovascular Hospitalizations
- Seasonal and temperature modifications of the association between fine particulate air pollution and cardiovascular hospitalization in New York state. Hsu, W. H., Hwang, S. A., Kinney, P. L., & Lin, S. Science of The Total Environment. 578: 626-632. 2017.
- Association between Low Temperature During Winter Season and Hospitalizations for Ischemic Heart Diseases in New York State. Lin, S., Soim, A., Gleason, K.A. & Hwang, S-A. Journal of Environmental Health. 78(6): 66-74. 2016.
- Respiratory Hospitalizations in Association with Fine PM and its Components in New York State. Jones, R.R., Hogrefe, C., Fitzgerald, E.F., Hwang, S-A., Özkaynak, H., Garcia, V.C., & Lin, S. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 65(5): 559-569. 2015.
- Building-related Health Symptoms and Classroom Indoor Air Quality: A Survey of School Teachers in New York State. Kielb, C., Lin, S., Muscatiello, N., Hord, W., Rogers-Harrington, J. & Healy, J. Indoor Air. 25(4): 371-380. 2014.
- Cold Spells and the Risk of Hospitalization for Asthma: New York, USA 1991–2006. Fitzgerald E.F., Pantea C. & Lin S. Lung. 192(6): 947-954. 2014.
- Associations between Summertime Ambient Pollutants and Respiratory Morbidity in New York City: Comparison of Results Using Ambient Concentrations versus Predicted Exposures. Jones R.R., Özkaynak H., Nayak S.G., Garcia, V., Hwang, S-A., & Lin, S. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2013(6): 616-626. 2013.
- Impact of NOx emissions reduction policy on hospitalizations for respiratory disease in New York State. Lin, S., Jones, R., Pantea, C., Ozkaynak H., Rao, ST., Hwang S-A, & Garcia, V. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 23(1): 73-80. 2013.
- Childhood asthma and indoor allergen exposure and sensitization in Buffalo, New York. Lin S, Jones R, Munsie JP, Nayak SG, Fitzgerald EF & Hwang, S-A. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 215(3): 297-305. 2012.
- Relating weather types to asthma-related hospital admissions in New York State. Lee, C.C., Sheridan, S.C., & Lin, S. Ecohealth. 9(4): 427-39. 2012.
- The Effects of Ambient Temperature Variation on Respiratory Hospitalizations in Summer, New York State. Lin, S., Insaf, T.Z., Luo, M. & Hwang, S-A. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. 18(3):188-97. 2012.
- An Evaluation of Transported Pollution and Respiratory-related Hospital Admissions in the State of New York. Garcia, V., Gego, E., Lin, S., Pantea, C., Rappazzo, K., Rao S.T., Wootten, A. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2(1): 9-15. 2011.
- Assessing the Impact of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) on Respiratory-Cardiovascular Chronic Diseases in the New York City Metropolitan Area Using Hierarchical Bayesian Model Estimates. Weber, S.A., Insaf, T.Z., Hall, E.S, Talbot, T.O. & Huff, A.K. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2(1): 9-15. 2011.
- Association between indoor mold and asthma among children in Buffalo, New York. Jones, R., Recer, G.M., Hwang, S.A., & Lin, S. Indoor Air. 21(2): 156-64. 2011.
- Health impact in New York City during the Northeastern blackout of 2003. Lin, S., Fletcher, B.A., Luo, M., Chinery, R., & Hwang, S.A. Public Health Reports. 126(3): 384-93. 2011.
- Impact of the Return to School on Childhood Asthma Burden in NYS. Lin, S., Jones, R., Liu, X. & Hwang, S-A. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. 17(1): 9-16. 2011.
- Asthma and lower respiratory symptoms in New York State employees who responded to the World Trade Center disaster. Mauer, M.P., Herdt-Losavio, M.L., & Carlson, G.A. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. 83(1): 21-7. 2010.
- Lower respiratory symptoms among residents living near the World Trade Center, two and four years after 9/11. Lin, S., Jones, R., Reibman, J., Morse, D., & Hwang, S.A. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. 16(1): 44-52. 2010.
- Respiratory and cardiovascular hospitalizations after the World Trade Center disaster. Lin, S., Gomez, M.I., Gensburg, L., Liu, W., & Hwang, S.A. Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health. 65(1): 12-20. 2010.
- The Impact of School Building Conditions on Student Absenteeism in Upstate New York. Simons, E., Hwang, S-A., Fitzgerald, E.F, Kielb, C. & Lin, S. American Journal of Public Health. 100(9): 1679-1686. 2010.
- Extreme High Temperatures and Hospital Admissions for Respiratory and Cardiovascular Diseases. Lin, S., Luo,M., Walker, J.R., Liu, X., Hwang, S-A. & Chinery, R. Epidemiology. 20(5): 738-746. 2009.
- Surveillance of the Short-term Impact of Fine Particle Air Pollution on Cardiovascular Disease Hospitalizations New York State. Haley, V.B., Talbot, T.O. & Felton, H.D. Environmental Health. 8: 42. 2009.
- Ambient Ozone Concentration and Hospital Admissions due to Childhood Respiratory Diseases in New York State, 1991-2001. Lin, S., Liu W., Bell, E.M., Walker, R.J., Kim, N.K. & Hwang, S-A . Journal of Environmental Research. 108(1): 42-47. 2008.
- Chronic Exposure to Ambient Ozone and Asthma Hospital Admissions among Children. Lin, S., Liu, X., Le, L. & Hwang, S-A. Environmental Health Perspective. 116(12): 1725-1730. 2008.
- Racial/Ethnic Differences in Asthma-related Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations among Children with Wheeze in Buffalo, New York. Jones, R.R., Lin, S., Munsie, J.P., Radigan, M. & Hwang, S-A. Journal of Asthma. 45(10): 916-22. 2008.
- Self-reported home environmental risk factors for childhood asthma: a cross-sectional study of children in Buffalo, New York. Lin S, Gomez MI, Hwang, S.A., Munsie JP, Fitzgerald EF. Journal of Asthma. 45(4): 325-32. 2008.
- Asthma Prevalence, Management, and Education in New York State Elementary Schools: A Survey of School Nurses. Kielb, C., Lin, S. & Hwang, S-A. Journal of School Nursing. 23(5): 267-275. 2007.
- Reported respiratory symptoms and adverse home conditions after 9/11 among residents living near the World Trade Center. Lin, S., Jones, R., Reibman, J., Bowers, J., Fitzgerald, E.F., & Hwang, S.A. Journal of Asthma. 44(4): 325-32. 2007.
- Asthma Hospitalization Rates among Children and School Building Conditions, by New York State School Districts, 1991-2001. Belanger, E., Kielb, C. & Lin, S. Journal of School Health. 76(8): 408-413. 2006.
- Childhood asthma hospitalization rates, childhood asthma prevalence, and their relationships in Erie County, New York. Lin, S., Kielb, C., Chen, Z., & Hwang, S.A. Journal of Asthma. 42(8): 653-8. 2005.
- The World Trade Center residents' respiratory health study: new-onset respiratory symptoms and pulmonary function. Reibman, J., Lin, S., Hwang, S.A., Gulati, M., Bowers, J.A., Rogers, L., Berger, K.I., Hoerning, A., Gomez, M., & Fitzgerald, E.F. Environmental Health Perspectives. 113(4): 406-11. 2005.
- Upper respiratory symptoms and other health effects among residents living near the World Trade Center site after September 11, 2001. Lin, S., Reibman, J., Bowers, J.A., Hwang, S.A., Hoerning, A., Gomez, M.I., & Fitzgerald, E.F. American Journal of Epidemiology. 162(6): 499-507. 2005.
- An evaluation of the asthma intervention of the New York State Healthy Neighborhoods Program. Lin, S., Gomez, M.I., Hwang, S.A., Franko, E.M., & Bobier, J.K. Journal of Asthma. 41(5): 583-95. 2004.
- Childhood asthma hospitalizations and ambient air sulfur dioxide concentrations in Bronx County, New York. Lin, S., Hwang, S.A., Pantea, C., Kielb, C., & Fitzgerald, E. Archives of Environmental Health. 59(5): 266-75. 2004.
- Prevalence and predictors of respiratory symptoms among New York farmers and farm residents. Gomez, M.I., Hwang, S.A., Lin, S., Stark, A.D., May, J.J., & Hallman, E.M. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 46(1): 42-54. 2004.
- Asthma and air toxics: another potential source of positive bias. Boscoe, F.P., & Talbot, T.O. Environmental Health Perspectives. 111(16): A871. 2003.
Birth Outcomes and Defects
- Prenatal and Postnatal Early life exposures to ambient air pollution and development. S Ha, E Yeung, E Bell, T Insaf, A Ghassabian, G Bell, N Muscatiello, Mendola P. Environmental research 174, 170-175. 2019
- Maternal Comorbidities and Complications of Delivery in Pregnant Women with Congenital Heart Disease. LE Schlichting, TZ Insaf, AN Zaidi, GK Lui, AR Van Zutphen. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 73 (17), 2181-2191. 2019
- Maternal ambient heat exposure during early pregnancy in summer and spring and congenital heart defects -- A large US population-based, case-control study. Lin, S., Lin, Z., Ou, Y., Soim, A., Shrestha, S., Lu, Y., Sheridan, S., Luben, T.J., Fitzgerald, E., Bell, E., Shaw, G.M., Reefhuis, J., Langlois, P.H., Romitti, P., Feldkamp, M.L., Malik, S., Pantea, C., Nayak, S., Hwang, S-A., & Browne, M. Environment International. 118: 211-221. 2018.
- Population-Based Surveillance of Birth Defects Potentially Related to Zika Virus Infection — 15 States and U.S. Territories, 2016. Delaney, A., Mai, C., Smoots, A., Cragan, J., Ellington, S., Langlois, P., Breidenbach, R., Fornoff, J., Dunn, J., Yazdy, M., Scotto-Rosato, N., Sweatlock, J., Fox, D., Palacios, J., Forestieri, N., Leedom, V., Smiley, M., Nance, A., Lake-Burger, H., Romitti, P., Fall, C., Valencia Prado, M., Barton, J., Bryan, J., Arias, W., Viner Brown, S., Kimura, J., Mann, S., Martin, B., Orantes, L., Taylor, A., Nahabedian, J., Akosa, A., Song, Z., Martin, S., Ramlal, R., Shapiro-Mendoza, C., Isenburg, J., Moore, C., Gilboa, S., & Honein, M. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 67: 91-96. 2018.
- Population-based surveillance of congenital heart defects among adolescents and adults: surveillance methodology. Glidewell, J., Book, W., Raskind-Hood, C., Hogue, C., Dunn, J.E., Gurvitz, M., Ozonoff, A., McGarry, C., Van Zutphen, A., Lui, G., Downing, K., & Riehle-Colarusso, T. Birth Defects Research. 110(19): 1395-1403. 2018.
- Recognition of clinical characteristics for population-based surveillance of fetal alcohol syndrome. Andrews, J.G., Galindo, M.K., Meaney, F.J., Benavides, A., Mayate, L., Fox, D., Pettygrove, S., O'Leary, L., & Cunniff, C. Birth Defects Research. 110(10): 851-862. 2018.
- Maternal exposure to ozone and PM2.5 and the prevalence of orofacial clefts in four U.S. states. Zhou, Y., Gilboa, S.M., Herdt, M.L., Lupo, P.J., Flanders, W.D., Liu, Y., Shin, M., Canfield, M.A., & Kirby, R.S. Environmental Research. 153: 35-40. 2017.
- Maternal occupational physical activity and risk for orofacial clefts. Agopian, A.J., Kim, J., Langlois, P.H., Lee, L., Whitehead, L.W., Symanski, E., Herdt, M.L., & Delclos, G.L. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 60(7): 627-634. 2017.
- Population-based birth defects surveillance: Challenges, opportunities, and recent developments. Kirby, R.S. & Browne, M.L. Birth Defects Research. 109(18): 1405-1406. 2017.
- Population-based case–control study of the association between weather-related extreme heat events and neural tube defects. Soim, A., Lin, S., Sheridan, S. C., Hwang, S. A., Hsu, W. H., Luben, T. J., Shaw, G. M., Feldkamp, M. L., Romitti, P. A., Reefhuis, J., Langlois, P. H., & Browne, M. L. National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Birth Defects Research. 109(18): 1482-1493. 2017.
- Prevalence and clinical attributes of congenital microcephaly – New York, 2013-2015. Graham, K.A., Fox, D.J., Talati, A., Pantea, C., Brady, L., Carter, S.L., Friedenberg, E., Vora, N.M., Browne, M.L., & Lee, C.T. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 66: 125-129. 2017.
- Proximity to Pediatric Cardiac Surgical Care among Adolescents with Congenital Heart Defects in 11 New York Counties. Sommerhalter, K.M., Insaf, T.Z., Akkaya-Hocagil, T., McGarry, C.E., Farr, S.L., Downing, K.F., Lui, G.K., Zaidi, A.N., & Van Zutphen, A.R. Birth Defects Research. 109: 1494-1503. 2017.
- Utility of Capture–Recapture Methodology to Estimate Prevalence of Congenital Heart Defects Among Adolescents in 11 New York State Counties: 2008. to 2010. Akkaya‐Hocagil, T., Hsu, W. H., Sommerhalter, K., McGarry, C., & Zutphen, A. Birth Defects Research. 109(18): 1423-1429. 2017.
- A Case-Control Study of Maternal Occupation and the Risk of Orofacial Clefts. Kim, J., Langlois, P.H., Herdt-Losavio, M.L., & Agopian, A.J. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 58(8): 833-9. 2016.
- Birth Defects in Infants Born to Employees of a Microelectronics and Business Machine Manufacturing Facility. Silver, S.., Pinkerton, R., Rocheleau, L.E., Druschel, C.M., Deddens, J.A., Michalski, A.M., & Van Zutphen, A. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 106: 696–707. 2016.
- Paternal and joint parental occupational pesticide exposure and spina bifida in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1997 to 2002. Pettigrew, S.M., Bell, E.M., Van Zutphen, A.R., Rocheleau, C.M., Shaw, G.M., Romitti, P.A., Olshan, A., Lupo, P.J., Soim, A., Makelarski, J.A., Michalski, A.M., Sanderson, W., & and the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 106(11): 963-971. 2016.
- Population-based microcephaly surveillance in the United States, 2009. to 2013: An analysis of potential sources of variation. Cragan, J.D., Isenburg, J.L., Parker, S.E., Alverson, C.J., Meyer, R.E., Stallings, E.B., Kirby, R.S., Lupo, P.J., Liu, J.S., Seagroves, A., Ethen, M.K., Cho, S.J., Evans, M, Liberman RF, Fornoff J, Browne, M.L., Rutkowski RE, Nance AE, Anderka M., Fox, D.J., Palacios, J., Forestieri, N., Leedom, V., Smiley, M., Nance, A., Lake-Burger, H., Romitti, P., Fall, C., Prado, M.V., Barton, J., Bryan, J.M., Arias, W., Brown, S.V., Kimura, J., Mann, S., Martin, B., Orantes, L., Taylor, A., Nahabedian, J., Akosa, A., Song, Z., Martin, S., Ramlal, R., Shapiro-Mendoza, C., Isenburg, J., Moore, C.A., Gilboa, S., & Honein, M.A. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 106(11): 972-82. 2016.
- Identifying areas at risk of low birth weight using spatial epidemiology: A Small Area Surveillance Study. Insaf, T.Z. & Talbot, T. Preventive Medicine. 88: 108-114. 2016.
- Linking Air Pollution and Adverse Birth Outcomes: Environmental Public Health Tracking in New York State. Brown, J. Harris, G., Pantea, C., Hwang, S-A., & Talbot, T.O. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 21(2): S68-S74. 2015.
- Maternal occupational pesticide exposure and risk of congenital heart defects in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Rocheleau, C.M., Bertke, S.J., Lawson, C.C., Romitti, P.A., Sanderson, W.T., Malik, S., Lupo, P.J., Desrosiers, T.A., Bell, E., Druschel, C., Correa, A., Reefhuis, J., & National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 103(10): 823-33. 2015.
- Population-based birth defects surveillance data: The cornerstone of epidemiologic and health services research and disease prevention. Kirby, R.S. & Browne, M.L. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 103(11): 893-894. 2015.
- Applications of birth defects surveillance in epidemiology, health services research, and disease prevention. Kirby, R.S. & Browne, M.L. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 100(11): 813-4. 2014.
- Extreme Winter Temperature and Birth Defects: A Population-based Case-control Study. Van Zutphen, A. R., Hsu, W-H., & Lin, S. Environmental Research. 128: 1-8. 2014.
- Maternal periconceptional occupational exposure to pesticides and selected musculoskeletal birth defects. Kielb, C., Lin, S., Herdt-Losavio, M., Bell, E., Chapman, B., Rocheleau, C.M., Lawson, C., Waters, M., Stewart, P., Olney, R.S., Romitti, P.A., Cao, Y., Druschel, C., & National Birth Defects Prevention Study. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 217(2-3): 248-54. 2014.
- The association between race/ethnicity and major birth defects in the United States, 1999-2007. Canfield, M.A., Mai, C.T., Wang, Y., O'Halloran, A., Marengo, L.K., Olney, R.S., Borger, C.L., Rutkowski, R., Fornoff, J., Irwin, N., Copeland, G., Flood, T.J., Meyer, R.E., Rickard, R., Alverson, C.J., Sweatlock, J., Kirby, R.S., & National Birth Defects Prevention Network. American Journal of Public Health. 104(9): e14-23. 2014.
- Total trihalomethanes in public drinking water supply and birth outcomes: a cross-sectional study. Kumar, S., Forand, S., Babcock, G., Richter, W., Hart, T., & Hwang, S. A. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 18(4): 996-1006. 2014.
- Birth defects surveillance: epidemiology, health services research, public health, and prevention. Kirby, R.S. & Browne, M.L. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 97(10): 617-8. 2013.
- Maternal occupation and the risk of major birth defects: a follow-up analysis from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Lin, S., Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Chapman, B.R., Munsie, J.P., Olshan, A.F., Druschel, C.M., & National Birth Defects Prevention Study. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 216(3): 317-23. 2013.
- The association of low socioeconomic status and the risk of having a child with Down syndrome: a report from the National Down Syndrome Project. Hunter, J.E., Allen, E.G., Shin, M., Bean, L.J., Correa, A., Druschel, C., Hobbs, C.A., O’Leary, L.A., Romitti, P.A., Royle, M.H., Torfs, C.P., Freeman, S.B., & Sherman, S.L. Genetics in Medicine. 15(9): 698-705. 2013.
- Adverse birth outcomes and maternal exposure to trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene through soil vapor intrusion in New York State. Forand, S.P., Lewis-Michl, E.L., & Gomez, M.I. Environmental Health Perspectives. 120(4): 616-21. 2012.
- A population-based case-control study of extreme summer temperature and birth defects. Van Zutphen, A.R., Lin, S., Fletcher, B.A., & Hwang, S.A. Environmental Health Perspectives. 120(10): 1443-9. 2012.
- Differences in folic acid use, prenatal care, smoking, and drinking in early pregnancy by occupation. Agopian, A.J., Lupo, P.J., Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Langlois, P.H., Rocheleau, C.M., Mitchell, L.E., & National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Preventive Medicine. 55(4): 341-345. 2012.
- Exploring the seasonality of birth defects in the New York State Congenital Malformations Registry. Caton, A.R. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 94(6): 424-37. 2012.
- Paternal occupation and birth defects: findings from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Desrosiers, T.A., Herring, A.H., Shapira, S.K., Hooiveld, M., Luben, T.J., Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Lin, S., Olshan, A.F., & National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 69(8): 534-42. 2012.
- A nested case-control study of low birthweight among cosmetologists. Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Lin, S., Druschel, C.M., Hwang, S.A., Mauer, M.P., Carlson, G.A. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. 84(6): 601-8. 2011.
- Reproductive outcomes among former Love Canal residents, Niagara Falls, New York. Austin, A.A., Fitzgerald, E.F., Pantea, C.I., Gensburg, L.J., Kim, N.K., Stark, A.D., & Hwang, S.A. Environmental Research. 111(5): 693-701. 2011.
- A Retrospective Cohort Study of Mortality among Children with Birth Defects in New York State, 1983-2006. Wang, Y. Hu, J & Druschel, C.M. Birth Defects Research A Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 88(12): 1023-103
- Maternal low-level lead exposure and fetal growth. Zhu, M., Fitzgerald, E.F., Gelberg, K.H., Lin, S., & Druschel, C.M. Environmental Health Perspectives. 118(10): 1471-5. 2010.
- Maternal occupation and the risk of birth defects: an overview from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Lin, S., Chapman, B.R., Hooiveld, M., Olshan, A., Liu, X., DePersis, R.D., Zhu, J., & Druschel, C.M. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 67(1): 58-66. 2010.
- Residential mobility during pregnancy and the potential for ambient air pollution exposure misclassification. Chen, L., Bell, E.M., Caton, A.R., Druschel, C.M., & Lin, S. Environmental Research. 110(2): 162-8. 2010.
- Birth and fetal death records and environmental exposures: promising data elements for environmental public health tracking of reproductive outcomes. Fitzgerald, E., Wartenberg, D., Thompson, W.D., & Houston, A. Public Health Reports. 124(6): 825-30. 2009.
- Control selection and participation in an ongoing, population-based, case-control study of birth defects: the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Cogswell, M.E., Bitsko, R.H., Anderka, M., Caton, A.R., Feldkamp, M.L., Hockett Sherlock, S.M., Meyer, R.E., Ramadhani, T., Robbins, J.M., Shaw, G.M., Mathews, T.J., Royle, M., Reefhuis, J., & National Birth Defects Prevention Study. American Journal of Epidemiology. 170(8): 975-85. 2009.
- The association between major birth defects and preterm birth. Honein, M.A., Kirby, R.S., Meyer, R.E., Xing, J., Skerrette, N.I., Yuskiv, N., Marengo, L., Petrini, J.R., Davidoff, M.J., Mai, C.T., Druschel, C.M., Viner-Brown, S., Sever, L.E., & National Birth Defects Prevention Network. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 13(2): 164-75. 2009.
- The risk of congenital malformations and other neonatal and maternal health outcomes among licensed cosmetologists. Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Lin, S., Druschel, C.M., Hwang, S.A., Mauer, M.P., & Carlson, G.A. American Journal of Perinatology. 26(9): 625-31. 2009.
- The risk of having a low birth weight or preterm infant among cosmetologists in New York State. Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Lin, S., Druschel, C.M., Hwang, S.A., Mauer, M.P., & Carlson, G.A. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 13(1): 90-7. 2009.
- Ethnicity, sex, and the incidence of congenital heart defects: a report from the National Down Syndrome Project. Freeman, S.B., Bean, L.H., Allen, E.G., Tinker, S.W., Locke, A.E., Druschel, C., Hobbs, C.A., Romitti, P.A., Royle, M.H., Torfs, C.P., Dooley, K.J., Sherman, S.L. Genetics in Medicine. 10(3): 173-80. 2008.
- Risk factors for isolated biliary atresia, National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1997-2002. The, N.S., Honein, M.A., Caton, A.R., Moore, C.A., Siega-Riz, A.M., Druschel, C.M., & National Birth Defects Prevention Study. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. 143A(19): 2274-84. 2007.
- Maternal birthplace and major congenital malformations among New York Hispanics. Zhu, M., Druschel, C., & Lin S. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 76(6): 467-73. 2006.
- Improving Case Ascertainment of a Population-based Birth Defects Registry in New York State using Hospital Discharge Data. Wang, Y., Sharpe-Stimac, M., Cross, P.K., Druschel, C.M. & Hwang, S-A. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 73(10): 663-668. 2005.
- Omphalocele, advanced maternal age, and fetal morbidity outcomes. Salihu, H.M., Emusu, D., Aliyu, Z.Y., Pierre-Louis, B.J., Druschel, C.M., & Kirby, R.S. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. 135(2): 161-5. 2005.
- Use of CUSUM and Shewhart Charts to Monitor Regional Trends of Birth Defect Reports in New York State. Babcock, G.D., Talbot, T.O. Rogerson, P.A., & Forand, S.P. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 73(10): 669-678. 2005.
- Physical exposures during pregnancy and congenital cardiovascular malformations. Judge, C.M., Chasan-Taber, L., Gensburg, L., Nasca, P.C., & Marshall, E.G. Paediatric & Perinatal Epidemiology. 18(5): 352-60. 2004.
- Estimating prevalence of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS): effectiveness of a passive birth defects registry system. Fox, D.J. & Druschel, C.M. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 67(9): 604-608. 2003.
- Maternal fish consumption and infant birth size and gestation: New York State Angler Cohort Study. Buck, G.M., Tee, G.P., Fitzgerald, E.F., Vena, J.E., Weiner, J.M., Swanson, M., & Msall, M.E. Environmental Health. 2(1): 7. 2003.
- The influence of paternal age on down syndrome. Fisch, H., Hyun, G., Golden, R., Hensle, T.W., Olsson, C.A., & Liberson, G.L. Journal of Urology. 169(6): 2275-8. 2003.
- Public domain small-area cancer incidence data for New York State, 2005-2009. Boscoe, F.P., Talbot, T.O., & Kulldorff, M. Geospatial Health. 11(1): 304. 2016.
- Cancer incidence among former Love Canal residents. Gensburg, L.J., Pantea, C., Kielb, C., Fitzgerald, E., Stark, A., & Kim, N. Environmental Health Perspectives. 117(8): 1265-71. 2009.
- Cancer incidence and asbestos in drinking water, Town of Woodstock, New York, 1980-1998. Browne, M.L., Varadarajulu, D., Lewis-Michl, E.L., & Fitzgerald, E.F. Environmental Research. 98(2): 224-32. 2005.
- Leukaemia incidence among workers in the shoe and boot manufacturing industry: a case-control study. Forand, S.P. Environmental Health. 3(1): 7. 2004
- Cancer incidence among a cohort of female farm residents in New York State. Wang, Y., Lewis-Michl, E.L., Hwang, S.A., Fitzgerald, E.F., & Stark, A.D. Archives of Environmental Health. 57(6): 561-567. 2002.
Carbon Monoxide
- Hospital Emergency Department Visits for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Following an October 2006 Snowstorm in Western New York. Muscatiello, N.A., Babcock, G.D., Jones, R., Horn, E. & Hwang, S-A. Journal of Environmental Health. 72(6):43-48, 2010.
Climate and Health
- Downscaling NLDAS-2 daily maximum air temperatures using MODIS land surface temperatures. Crosson, W.L., Al-Hamdan, M.Z., Insaf, T.Z. PLOS ONE. 15(1): e0227480. 2020.
- Ground-truth of a 1 km downscaled NLDAS air temperature product using the New York City Community Air Survey. Eleizer, H., Johnson, S., Crosson, W.L., Al-Hamdan, M.Z., Insaf, T.Z. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 13(2):024516. 2019.
- Accessibility of cooling centers to heat-vulnerable populations in New York State. Nayak, S.G., Shrestha, S., Sheridan, S.C., Hsu, W.H., Muscatiello, N.A., Pantea, C.I., Ross, Z., Kinney, P.L., Zdeb, M., Hwang, S-A. and Lin, S. Journal of Transport & Health, 14, p.100563. 2019
- Estimating policy-relevant health effects of ambient heat exposures using spatially contiguous reanalysis data. Adeyeye, T.E., Insaf, T.Z., Al-Hamdan, M.Z., Nayak, S.G., Stuart, N., DiRienzo, S., & Crosson, W.L. Environmental Health. 18(1): 35. 2019.
- Development of a heat vulnerability index for New York State. Nayak, S.G., Shrestha, S., Kinney, P.L., Ross, Z., Sheridan, S.C., Pantea, C.I. Hsu, W.H., Muscatiello, N., & Hwang, S-A. Public Health. 161:127-137. 2018.
- Maternal ambient heat exposure during early pregnancy in summer and spring and congenital heart defects -- A large US population-based, case-control study. Lin, S., Lin, Z., Ou, Y., Soim, A., Shrestha, S., Lu, Y., Sheridan, S., Luben, T.J., Fitzgerald, E., Bell, E., Shaw, G.M., Reefhuis, J., Langlois, P.H., Romitti, P., Feldkamp, M.L., Malik, S., Pantea, C., Nayak, S., Hwang, S-A., & Browne, M. Environment International. 118: 211-221. 2018.
- A population-based case-control study of the association between weather-related extreme heat events and neural tube defects. Soim, A., Lin, S., Sheridan, S., Hwang, S., Hsu, W., Luben, T., Shaw, G., Feldkamp, M., Romitti, P., Reefhuis, J., Langlois, P., Browne, M., & the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Birth Defects Research. 109(18): 1482-1493. 2017.
- Climate and Health in New York State. Shipp Hilts, A., Eidson, M. & Hsu, W. H. Environmental Law in New York. 28(01). 1-6. 2017.
- Population-based case–control study of the association between weather-related extreme heat events and neural tube defects. Soim, A., Lin, S., Sheridan, S. C., Hwang, S. A., Hsu, W. H., Luben, T. J., Shaw, G. M., Feldkamp, M. L., Romitti, P. A., Reefhuis, J., Langlois, P. H., & Browne, M. L. National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Birth Defects Research. 109(18). 1482-1493. 2017.
- The Use of Cooling Centers to Prevent Heat-Related Illness: Summary of Evidence and Strategies for Implementation. Widerynski, S., Schramm, P., Conlon, K., Noe, R., Grossman, E., Hawkins, M., Nayak, S., Roach, M., & Shipp Hilts, A. Climate and Health Technical Report Series. Climate and Health Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2017.
- Association between Low Temperature During Winter Season and Hospitalizations for Ischemic Heart Diseases in New York State. Lin, S., Soim, A., Gleason, K.A. & Hwang, S-A. Journal of Environmental Health, 78(6): 66-74. 2016.
- Did Summer Weather Factors affect Gastrointestinal Infection Hospitalizations in New York State? Lin, S., Sun, M., Fitzgerald, E.F., & Hwang, S-A. Science of the Total Environment. 550: 38-44. 2016.
- Effect of Hurricane Sandy on Health Care Services Utilization Under Medicaid. Sharp, M.J., Sun, M., Ledneva, T., Lauper, U., Pantea, C., & Lin, S. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. 10(3):472-84. 2016.
- Harmful Algal Bloom-Associated Illness Surveillance: Lessons from Reported Hospital Visits in New York, 2008-2014. Figgatt, M., Muscatiello, N., Wilson, L. & Dziewulski, D. American Journal of Public Health. 106(3): 440-2. 2016.
- Projecting Climate-Related Disease Burden: A Case Study on Methods for Projecting. Hsu, W., Hwang, S., Saha, S., Schramm, P.J., Van Zutphen, A., Conlon, K., & Lin S. Climate and Health Technical Report Series. Climate and Health Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2016.
- Surveying Local Health Departments and County Emergency Management Offices on Cooling Centers as a Heat Adaptation Resource in New York State. Nayak, S.G., Lin, S., Sheridan, S.C., Lu, Y., Graber, N., Primeau, M., Rafferty, C. J., & Hwang, S-A. Journal of Community Health. 23: 1-8. 2016.
- Assessing Variability in the Impacts of Heat on Health Outcomes in New York City over Time, Season, and Heat-wave Duration. Sheridan, S.C., & Lin, S. Ecohealth. 11(4): 512-525. 2014.
- Cold Spells and the Risk of Hospitalization for Asthma: New York, USA 1991–2006. Fitzgerald, E.F., Pantea, C., & Lin, S. Lung 192(6): 947-954. 2014.
- Extreme Heat Awareness and Protective Behaviors in New York City. Lane, K., Wheeler, K., Charles-Guzman, K., Ahmed, M., Blum, M., Gregory, K., & Matte, T. Journal of Urban Health. 91(3): 403-414. 2014.
- Extreme Winter Temperature and Birth Defects: A Population-based Case-control Study. Van Zutphen, A. R., Hsu, W-H., & Lin, S. Environmental Research. 128: 1-8. 2014.
- Associations between Summertime Ambient Pollutants and Respiratory Morbidity in New York City: Comparison of Results Using Ambient Concentrations versus Predicted Exposures. Jones R.R., Özkaynak H., Nayak S.G., Garcia, V., Hwang, S-A., & Lin, S. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2013(6): 616-626. 2013.
- Health Effects of Coastal Storms and Flooding in Urban Areas: A Review and Vulnerability Assessment. Lane, K., Charles-Guzman, K., Wheeler, K., Abid, Z., Graber, N., & Matte, T. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 913064: 2013.
- A population-based case-control study of extreme summer temperature and birth defects. Van Zutphen, A.R., Lin, S., Fletcher, B.A., & Hwang, S.A. Environmental Health Perspectives. 120(10): 1443-9. doi:10.1289/ehp.1104671. 2012.
- Association of summer temperatures with hospital admissions for renal diseases in New York State: a case-crossover study. Fletcher, B.A., Lin, S., Fitzgerald, E.F., Hwang, S.A. American Journal of Epidemiology. 175(9): 907-16. 2012.
- Climate Trends in Indices for Temperature and Precipitation across New York State, 1948–2008. Insaf, T.Z., Lin, S., & Sheridan, S.C. Air Quality, Atmosphere, and Health. 6(1): 247-257. 2012.
- Excessive Heat and Respiratory Hospitalizations in New York State: Estimating Current and Future Public Health Burden related to Climate Change. Lin, S., Hsu, W-H., Van Zutphen, A.R., Saha, S., Luber, G. & Hwang S-A. Environmental Health Perspectives. 120(11): 1571–1577. 2012.
- Exploring the seasonality of birth defects in the New York State Congenital Malformations Registry. Caton, A.R. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 94(6): 424-37. 2012.
- Relating weather types to asthma-related hospital admissions in New York State. Lee, C.C., Sheridan, S.C., Lin, S. Ecohealth. 9(4): 427-39. 2012.
- The Effects of Ambient Temperature Variation on Respiratory Hospitalizations in Summer, New York State. Lin, S., Insaf, T.Z., Luo, M., & Hwang, S-A. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. 18(3): 188-97. 2012.
- Health impact in New York City during the Northeastern blackout of 2003. Lin, S., Fletcher, B.A., Luo, M., Chinery, R., & Hwang, S.A. Public Health Reports. 126(3): 384-93. 2011.
- Extreme High Temperatures and Hospital Admissions for Respiratory and Cardiovascular Diseases. Lin, S., Luo,M., Walker, J.R., Liu, X., Hwang, S-A. & Chinery, R. Epidemiology. 20(5): 738-746. 2009.
Data & Informatics
- Calculating census tract-based life expectancy in New York state: a generalizable approach. Talbot, T. O., Done, D.H., & Babcock, G.D. Population Health Metrics. 16(1). 2018.
- Population-based surveillance of congenital heart defects among adolescents and adults: surveillance methodology. Glidewell, J., Book, W., Raskind-Hood, C., Hogue, C., Dunn, J.E., Gurvitz, M., Ozonoff, A., McGarry, C., Van Zutphen, A., Lui, G., Downing, K., & Riehle-Colarusso, T. Birth Defects Research. 110(19): 1395-1403. 2018.
- Respondent driven sampling in a biomonitoring study of refugees from Burma in Buffalo, New York who eat Great Lakes fish. Liu, M., McCann, M., Lewis-Michl, E., & Hwang, S.A. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 221(5): 792-799. 2018.
- Parsimonious Covariate Selection for a Multicategory Ordered Response. Hsu, W.H. & DiRienzo, A.G. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 26(6): 2743-2757. 2017.
- Population-based birth defects surveillance: Challenges, opportunities, and recent developments. Kirby, R.S. & Browne, M.L. Birth Defects Research. 109(18): 1405-1406. 2017.
- Utility of Capture–Recapture Methodology to Estimate Prevalence of Congenital Heart Defects Among Adolescents in 11 New York State Counties: 2008. to 2010. Akkaya‐Hocagil, T., Hsu, W. H., Sommerhalter, K., McGarry, C., & Zutphen, A. Birth Defects Research. 109(18):1423-1429. 2017.
- Population-based birth defects surveillance data: The cornerstone of epidemiologic and health services research and disease prevention. Kirby, R.S. & Browne, M.L. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 103(11): 893-894. 2015.
- The National Birth Defects Prevention Study: A review of the methods. Reefhuis, J., Gilboa, S.M., Anderka, M., Browne, M.L., Feldkamp, M.L., Hobbs, C.A., Jenkins, M.M., Langlois, P.H., Newsome, K.B., Olshan, A.F., Romitti, P.A., Shapira, S.K., Shaw, G.M., Tinker, S.C., Honein, M.A. & National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 103(8): 656-69. 2015.
- Applications of birth defects surveillance in epidemiology, health services research, and disease prevention. Kirby, R.S. & Browne, M.L. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 100(11): 813-4. 2014.
- Exploring the feasibility of using electronic health records in the surveillance of fetal alcohol syndrome. Hansen, C., Adams, M., Fox, D.J., O'Leary, L.A., Frías, J.L., Freiman, H., & Meaney, F.J. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 100(2): 67-78. 2014.
- Methodology for establishing a population-based birth cohort focusing on couple fertility and children's development, the Upstate KIDS Study. Buck Louis, G.M., Hediger, M.L., Bell, E.M., Kus, C.A., Sundaram, R., McLain, A.C., Yeung, E., Hills, E.A., Thoma, M.E., & Druschel, C.M. Paediatric & Perinatal Epidemiology. 28(3): 191-202. 2014.
- A survey on readiness and needs regarding the transition from ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM. Wang, Y., Tao, Z., Fox, D., Steen, P., & Druschel, C.M. Journal of Registry Management. 40(1): 4-8. 2013.
- Birth defects surveillance: epidemiology, health services research, public health, and prevention. Kirby, R.S. & Browne, M.L. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 97(10): 617-8. 2013.
- Expanding diagnostic testing beyond cytogenetics: implications for birth defects research and surveillance. Jackson, J.M., Druschel, C.M., & Shapira, S.K. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 97(11): 726-729. 2013.
- Registry data quality improvement by identifying discrepancies between assigned codes and text descriptions of birth defects. Richardson, S.D., Fox, D.J., & Wittman, B. Journal of Registry Management. 40(4): 165-7. 2013.
- A multifaceted comparison of ArcGIS and MapMarker for automated geocoding. Kumar, S., Liu, M., & Hwang, S. A. Geospatial Health. 7(1):145-151. 2012.
- Birth defects surveillance: an essential public health function for primary prevention and health promotion. Kirby, R.S. & Browne, M.L. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 94(12): 963-964. 2012.
- Effect of survey instrument on participation in a follow-up study: a randomization study of a mailed questionnaire versus a computer-assisted telephone interview. Rocheleau, C.M., Romitti, P.A., Sherlock, S.H., Sanderson, W.T., Bell, E.M., & Druschel, C. BMC Public Health. 12: 579. 2012.
- Lessons learned from the September 11th disaster: a state health agency perspective. Lin, S., Mauer, M.P., Jones, R., Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Hwang, S.A., & Fitzgerald, E.F. Environmental Health Insights. 6: 27-31. 2012.
- Hospital Discharge Data: Can It Serve as the Sole Source of Case Ascertainment for Population-Based Birth Defects Surveillance Programs? Wang, Y., Cross, P.K. & Druschel, C.M. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 16: 245-252. 2010.
- Control selection and participation in an ongoing, population-based, case-control study of birth defects: the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Cogswell, M.E., Bitsko, R.H., Anderka, M., Caton, A.R., Feldkamp, M.L., Hockett Sherlock, S.M., Meyer, R.E., Ramadhani, T., Robbins, J.M., Shaw, G.M., Mathews, T.J., Royle, M., Reefhuis, J., & National Birth Defects Prevention Study. American Journal of Epidemiology. 170(8): 975-85. 2009.
- Developing consistent data and methods to measure the public health impacts of ambient air quality for Environmental Public Health Tracking: progress to date and future directions. Talbot, T.O., Haley, V.B., Dimmick, W.F., Paulu, C., Talbott, E.O., & Rager, J. Air Quality, Atmosphere, and Health. 2(4): 199-206. 2009.
- Development of an exposure assessment method for epidemiological studies of New York State personnel who responded to the World Trade Center disaster. Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Mauer, M.P., & Carlson, G.A. Annals of Occupational Hygiene. 52(2): 83-93. 2008.
- Development of a Web-based Integrated Birth Defects Surveillance System in New York State. Wang, Y., Tao, Z., Cross, P.K., Le, L.H., Steen, P.M., Babcock, G.D., Druschel, C.M., & Hwang, S-A. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice. 14(6): E1-E10. 2008.
- Implementing a Web-Based Case Reporting and Communication System Among Hospitals Reporting to the Birth Defects Registry in New York State. Steen, P.M., Wang, Y., Tao, Z., Cross, P.K., & Druschel, C.M. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice. 14(6): E11-E16. 2008.
- Development of a Web-based Reporting, Management, and Communication System for the Statewide Birth Defects Registry in New York. Wang, Y., Cross, P.K., Steen, P.M., Tao, Z., Druschel, C.M., Cukrovany, J.R., & Marion, D.R. Journal of Registry Management. 34(2): 45-52. 2007.
- Evaluating the Timeliness and Completeness of a Web-based Reporting and Communication System of the New York State Congenital Malformations Registry. Wang, Y., Tao, Z., Cross, P.K., & Hwang, S-A. Journal of Registry Management. 34(3): 93-98. 2007.
- Issues in estimating the prevalence of fetal alcohol syndrome: examination of 2 counties in New York State. Druschel, C.M. & Fox, D.J. Pediatrics. 119(2): e384-90. 2007.
- Problems in Using Birth Certificate Files in the Capture-Recapture Model to Estimate the Completeness of Case Ascertainment in a Population-based Birth Defects Registry in New York State. Wang, Y., Druschel, C.M., Cross, P.K., Hwang, S-A. & Gensburg, L.J. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 76(11): 772-777. 2006.
- Improving Case Ascertainment of a Population-based Birth Defects Registry in New York State using Hospital Discharge Data. Wang, Y., Sharpe-Stimac, M., Cross, P.K., Druschel, C.M. & Hwang, S-A. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 73(10): 663-668. 2005.
- Use of CUSUM and Shewhart Charts to Monitor Regional Trends of Birth Defect Reports in New York State. Babcock, G.D., Talbot, T.O. Rogerson, P.A., & Forand, S.P. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 73(10): 669-678. 2005.
- Estimating prevalence of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS): effectiveness of a passive birth defects registry system. Fox, D.J. & Druschel, C.M. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 67(9): 604-608. 2003.
Environmental Public Health Tracking
- A Spatial Analysis of Acute Myocardial Infarction Rates in New York State in Relation to Hospitals Along State Jurisdictional Borders. Stamm, A.J., Savadatti, S.S., Kumar, S., & Hwang, S.A. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 23: S39–S44. 2017.
- Economic Valuation of Selected Illnesses in Environmental Public Health Tracking. Zhou, Y., Nurmagambetov, T., McCord, M., & Hsu, W.H. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 23: S18–S27. 2017.
- Linking Air Pollution and Adverse Birth Outcomes: Environmental Public Health Tracking in New York State. Brown, J. Harris, G., Pantea, C., Hwang, S-A., & Talbot, T.O. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 21(2): S68-S74. 2015.
- Birth and fetal death records and environmental exposures: promising data elements for environmental public health tracking of reproductive outcomes. Fitzgerald, E., Wartenberg, D., Thompson, W.D., & Houston, A. Public Health Reports. 124(6): 825-30. 2009.
- Developing Consistent Data and Methods to Measure the Public Health Impacts of Ambient Air Quality for Environmental Public Health Tracking: Progress to Date and Future Directions. Talbot, T.O., Haley, V.B., Dimmick, W.F., Paulu, C., Talbott, E.O., & Rager, J. Air Quality Atmosphere and Health. 2(4): 199-206. 2009.
- Developing Integrated Multistate Environmental Public Health Surveillance. Wartenberg, D., Thompson, W.D., Fitzgerald, E.F., Gross, H.J., Condon, S.K., Kim, N., Goun, B.D., Opiekun, R.E., & The UMDNJ Collaborative Project Working Group on Northeast US Ambient Air Quality and Adverse Birth Outcomes Surveillance. Journal of Public Health Management Practice. 14(6): 552-561. 2008.
- Development of an Interactive Environmental Public Health Tracking System for Data Analysis, Visualization, and Reporting. Talbot, T.O., Kumar, S., Babcock, G.D., Haley, V.B., Forand, S.P. & Hwang, S-A. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice. 14(6): 526-532. 2008.
- Relating Air Quality to Environmental Public Health Tracking Data. Boothe, V, Dimmick, W.F. & Talbot, T.O. Ecology and the Environment 85: 43-52. 2005.
Geographic Information Systems
- Accessibility of cooling centers to heat-vulnerable populations in New York State. Nayak, S.G., Shrestha, S., Sheridan, S.C., Hsu, W.H., Muscatiello, N.A., Pantea, C.I., Ross, Z., Kinney, P.L., Zdeb, M., Hwang, S-A. and Lin, S. Journal of Transport & Health, 14, p.100563. 2019
- Estimating policy-relevant health effects of ambient heat exposures using spatially contiguous reanalysis data. Adeyeye, T.E., Insaf, T.Z., Al-Hamdan, M.Z., Nayak, S.G., Stuart, N., DiRienzo, S., & Crosson, W.L. Environmental Health. 18(1): 35. 2019.
- Calculating census tract-based life expectancy in New York state: a generalizable approach. Talbot, T. O., Done, D.H., & Babcock, G.D. Population Health Metrics. 16(1). 2018.
- Development of a heat vulnerability index for New York State. Nayak, S.G., Shrestha, S., Kinney, P.L., Ross, Z., Sheridan, S.C., Pantea, C.I., Hsu, W.H., Muscatiello, N., & Hwang, S-A. Public Health. 161: 127-137. 2018.
- A Spatial Analysis of Acute Myocardial Infarction Rates in New York State in Relation to Hospitals Along State Jurisdictional Borders. Stamm, A.J., Savadatti, S.S., Kumar, S., & Hwang, S.A. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 23: S39–S44. 2017.
- Proximity to Pediatric Cardiac Surgical Care among Adolescents with Congenital Heart Defects in 11 New York Counties. Sommerhalter, K.M., Insaf, T.Z., Akkaya-Hocagil, T., McGarry, C.E., Farr, S.L., Downing, K.F., Lui, G.K., Zaidi, A.N., & Van Zutphen, A.R. Birth Defects Research. 109: 1494–1503. 2017.
- Identifying Areas at Risk of Low Birth Weight Using Spatial Epidemiology: Small Area Surveillance Study. Insaf, T.Z. & Talbot, T.O. Preventive Medicine. 88: 108-114. 2016.
- A multifaceted comparison of ArcGIS and MapMarker for automated geocoding. Kumar, S., Liu, M., Hwang, S. A. Geospatial Health. 7(1): 145-151. 2012.
- Aggregation without Aggravation: Determining Spatial Contiguity and Joining Geographic Areas using Hashing. Babcock, G.D. Proceedings of the Northeast SAS Users Group Conference 2009. & Proceedings of the SAS Global Forum, 2010.
- Development of Web based Geocoding Applications for the Population-based Birth Defects Surveillance System in New York State. Wang, Y., Le, L.H., Wang, X., Tao, Z., Druschel, C.M., Cross, P.K. & Hwang, S-A. Journal of Registry Management. 37: 16-21. 2010.
- Geocoding capacity of birth defects surveillance programs: results from the National Birth Defects Prevention Network Geocoding Survey. Wang, Y., O'Leary, L.A., Rickard, R.S., Mason, C.A. & National Birth Defects Prevention Network. Journal of Registry Management. 37(1): 22-6. 2010.
- Multiple Facts about Multilabel Formats. Babcock, G.D. Proceedings of the Northeast SAS Users Group Conference. 2008.
- Residential proximity to large airports and potential health impacts in New York State. Lin, S., Munsie, J.P., Herdt-Losavio, M., Hwang, S.A., Civerolo, K., McGarry, K., & Gentile, T. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. 81(7): 797-804. 2008.
- Immigration and geographic access to prenatal clinics in Brooklyn, NY: a geographic information systems analysis. McLafferty, S. & Grady, S. American Journal of Public Health. 95(4): 638-40. 2005.
- Prenatal care need and access: a GIS analysis. McLafferty, S. & Grady, S. Journal of Medical Systems. 28(3): 321-33. 2004.
- Positional Error in Automated Geocoding of Residential Addresses. Cayo, M.R. & Talbot, T.O. International Journal of Health Geographics. 2(1): 10. 2003.
- Visualization of the spatial scan statistic using nested circles. Boscoe, F.P., McLaughlin, C., Schymura, M.J., & Kielb, C.L. Health & Place. 9(3): 273-7. 2003.
- Maternal low-level lead exposure and fetal growth. Zhu, M., Fitzgerald, E.F., Gelberg, K.H., Lin, S., & Druschel, C.M. Environmental Health Perspectives. 118(10): 1471-5. 2010.
- Geographic Analysis of Blood Lead Levels in New York State Children Born 1994-1997. Haley, V.B. & Talbot, T.O. Environmental Health Perspectives. 112(15): 1577-1582. 2004.
- Seasonality and trend in blood lead levels of New York State children. Haley, V.B. & Talbot, T.O. BMC Pediatrics. 4: 8. 2004.
- Maternal blood lead concentration, diet during pregnancy, and anthropometry predict neonatal blood lead in a socioeconomically disadvantaged population. Schell, L.M., Denham, M., Stark, A.D., Gomez, M., Ravenscroft, J., Parsons, P.J., Aydermir, A., & Samelson, R. Environmental Health Perspectives. 111(2): 195-200. 2003.
Occupational Health
- Maternal occupational physical activity and risk for orofacial clefts. Agopian, A.J., Kim, J., Langlois, P.H., Lee, L., Whitehead, L.W., Symanski, E., Herdt, M.L., & Delclos, G.L. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 60(7): 627-634. 2017.
- A Case-Control Study of Maternal Occupation and the Risk of Orofacial Clefts. Kim, J., Langlois, P.H., Herdt-Losavio, M.L., & Agopian, A.J. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 58(8): 833-9. 2016.
- Birth Defects in Infants Born to Employees of a Microelectronics and Business Machine Manufacturing Facility. Silver, S.., Pinkerton, R., Rocheleau, L.E., Druschel, C.M., Deddens, J.A., Michalski, A.M., & Van Zutphen, A. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 106: 696–707. 2016.
- Depleted and enriched uranium exposure quantified in former factory workers and local residents of NL Industries, Colonie, NY USA. Arnason, J.G., Pellegri, C.N., Moore, J.L., Lewis-Michl, E.L., & Parsons, P.J. Environmental Research. 150: 629-638. 2016.
- Paternal and joint parental occupational pesticide exposure and spina bifida in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1997 to 2002. Pettigrew, S.M., Bell, E.M., Van Zutphen, A.R., Rocheleau, C.M., Shaw, G.M., Romitti, P.A., Olshan, A., Lupo, P.J., Soim, A., Makelarski, J.A., Michalski, A.M., Sanderson, W., & and the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 106(11): 963-971. 2016.
- Maternal occupational pesticide exposure and risk of congenital heart defects in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Rocheleau, C.M., Bertke, S.J., Lawson, C.C., Romitti, P.A., Sanderson, W.T., Malik, S., Lupo, P.J., Desrosiers, T.A., Bell, E., Druschel, C., Correa, A., Reefhuis, J., & National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 103(10): 823-33. 2015.
- Maternal periconceptional occupational exposure to pesticides and selected musculoskeletal birth defects. Kielb, C., Lin, S., Herdt-Losavio, M., Bell, E., Chapman, B., Rocheleau, C.M., Lawson, C., Waters, M., Stewart, P., Olney, R.S., Romitti, P.A., Cao, Y., Druschel, C., & National Birth Defects Prevention Study. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 217(2-3): 248-54. 2014.
- Environmental and occupational exposure to chemicals and telomere length in human studies. Zhang, X., Lin, S., Funk, W.E., & Hou, L. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 70(10): 743-9. 2013.
- Maternal occupation and the risk of major birth defects: a follow-up analysis from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Lin, S., Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Chapman, B.R., Munsie, J.P., Olshan, A.F., Druschel, C.M., & National Birth Defects Prevention Study. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 216(3): 317-23. 2013.
- Differences in folic acid use, prenatal care, smoking, and drinking in early pregnancy by occupation. Agopian, A.J., Lupo, P.J., Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Langlois, P.H., Rocheleau, C.M., Mitchell, L.E., & National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Preventive Medicine. 55(4): 341-345. 2012.
- Lessons learned from the September 11th disaster: a state health agency perspective. Lin, S., Mauer, M.P., Jones, R., Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Hwang, S.A., & Fitzgerald, E.F. Environmental Health Insights. 6: 27-31. 2012.
- Paternal occupation and birth defects: findings from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Desrosiers, T.A., Herring, A.H., Shapira, S.K., Hooiveld, M., Luben, T.J., Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Lin, S., Olshan, A.F., & National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 69(8): 534-42. 2012.
- A nested case-control study of low birthweight among cosmetologists. Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Lin, S., Druschel, C.M., Hwang, S.A., Mauer, M.P., Carlson, G.A. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. 84(6): 601-8. 2011.
- Maternal occupation and the risk of birth defects: an overview from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Lin, S., Chapman, B.R., Hooiveld, M., Olshan, A., Liu, X., DePersis, R.D., Zhu, J., & Druschel, C.M. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 67(1): 58-66. 2010.
- The risk of congenital malformations and other neonatal and maternal health outcomes among licensed cosmetologists. Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Lin, S., Druschel, C.M., Hwang, S.A., Mauer, M.P., & Carlson, G.A. American Journal of Perinatology. 26(9): 625-31. 2009.
- The risk of having a low birth weight or preterm infant among cosmetologists in New York State. Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Lin, S., Druschel, C.M., Hwang, S.A., Mauer, M.P., & Carlson, G.A. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 13(1): 90-7. 2009.
- Development of an exposure assessment method for epidemiological studies of New York State personnel who responded to the World Trade Center disaster. Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Mauer, M.P., & Carlson, G.A. Annals of Occupational Hygiene. 52(2): 83-93. 2008.
- Environmental and occupational exposures and serum PCB concentrations and patterns among Mohawk men at Akwesasne. Fitzgerald, E.F., Hwang, S.A., Gomez, M., Bush, B., Yang, B.Z., & Tarbell, A. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 17(3): 269-78. 2007.
- An evaluation of a Lyme disease prevention program in a working population. Nolan, K. & Mauer, M.P. American Journal of Health Promotion. 20(6): 379-82. 2006.
- PCB exposure and in vivo CYP1A2 activity among Native Americans. Fitzgerald, E.F., Hwang, S.A., Lambert, G., Gomez, M., & Tarbell, A. Environmental Health Perspectives. 113(3): 272-7. 2005.
- Follow-up to Farm Family Health and Hazard Survey. Beckett, W.S., Hallman, E., May, J., Hwang, S.A., Gomez, M., Eberly, S., & Cox, C. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 46(4): 314-5. 2004.
- Leukaemia incidence among workers in the shoe and boot manufacturing industry: a case-control study. Forand, S.P. Environmental Health. 3(1): 7. 2004.
- Prevalence and predictors of respiratory symptoms among New York farmers and farm residents. Gomez, M.I., Hwang, S.A., Lin, S., Stark, A.D., May, J.J., & Hallman, E.M. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 46(1): 42-54. 2004.
- An analysis of self-reported joint pain among New York farmers. Gomez, M.I., Hwang, S., Stark, A.D., May, J.J., Hallman, E.M., & Pantea, C.I. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 9(2): 143-57. 2003.
- Maternal fish consumption and infant birth size and gestation: New York State Angler Cohort Study. Buck, G.M., Tee, G.P., Fitzgerald, E.F., Vena, J.E., Weiner, J.M., Swanson, M., & Msall, M.E. Environmental Health. 2(1): 7. 2003.
- Mortality among a cohort of female farm residents in New York State. Wang, Y., Hwang, S.A., Lewis-Michl, E.L., Fitzgerald, E.F., & Stark, A.D. Archives of Environmental Health. 58(10): 642-8. 2003.
- Cancer incidence among a cohort of female farm residents in New York State. Wang, Y., Lewis-Michl, E.L., Hwang, S.A., Fitzgerald, E.F., & Stark, A.D. Archives of Environmental Health. 57(6): 561-567. 2002.
- Respondent driven sampling in a biomonitoring study of refugees from Burma in Buffalo, New York who eat Great Lakes fish. Liu, M., McCann, M., Lewis-Michl, E., & Hwang, S.A. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 221(5): 792-799. 2018.
- Harmful Algal Bloom-Associated Illness Surveillance: Lessons from Reported Hospital Visits in New York, 2008-2014. Figgatt, M., Muscatiello, N., Wilson, L., & Dziewulski, D. American Journal of Public Health. 106(3): 440-2. 2016. American Journal of Public Health. 106(3): 440-2. 2016.
- Comparison of patterns and knowledge of benefits and warnings of fish consumption between parents and children. Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Lin, S., Chen, M., Luo, M., Tang, J., & Hwang, S.A. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 18(5): 1258-64. 2014.
- Fish consumption patterns, knowledge and potential exposure to mercury by race. Lin, S., Herdt-Losavio, M.L., Chen, M., Luo, M., Tang, J., & Hwang, S.A. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 24(4):291-303. 2014.
- Total trihalomethanes in public drinking water supply and birth outcomes: a cross-sectional study. Kumar, S., Forand, S., Babcock, G., Richter, W., Hart, T., Hwang, S. A. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 18(4). 996-1006. 2014.
- Adverse birth outcomes and maternal exposure to trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene through soil vapor intrusion in New York State. Forand, S.P., Lewis-Michl, E.L., & Gomez, M.I. Environmental Health Perspectives. 120(4): 616-21. 2012.
- Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and neuropsychological status among older adults in New York. Fitzgerald, E.F., Shrestha, S., Gomez, M.I., McCaffrey, R.J., Zimmerman, E.A., Kannan, K., & Hwang, S.A. Neurotoxicology. 33(1): 8-15. 2012.
- Fish consumption and concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the serum of older residents of upper Hudson River communities. Fitzgerald, E.F., Fletcher, B.A., Belanger, E., Tao, L., Kannan, K., & Hwang, S.A. Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health. 65(4): 183-90. 2010.
- Evaluation of Two Methods of Interpolating Quarterly Trihalomethane Levels between Sampling Dates. Richter, W., Hart Jr., T.F., Luben, T., Freud, S., & Nuckols, J.R. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 19(4): 405-413. 2008.
- Polychlorinated biphenyl exposure and neuropsychological status among older residents of upper Hudson River communities. Fitzgerald, E.F., Belanger, E.E., Gomez, M.I., Cayo, M., McCaffrey, R.J., Seegal, R.F., Jansing, R.L., Hwang, S.A., & Hicks, H.E. Environmental Health Perspectives. 116(2): 209-15. 2008. doi:10.1289/ehp.10432. Erratum in: Environmental Health Perspectives. 116(2): 215. 2008.
- The ratio of specific polychlorinated biphenyls as a surrogate biomarker of cytochrome P4501A2 activity: a pharmaco-metabonomic study in humans. Ye, X., Fitzgerald, E.F., Gomez, M.I., Lambert, G.H., & Longnecker, M.P. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 17(4): 1013-5. 2008.
- Environmental exposures to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) among older residents of upper Hudson River communities. Fitzgerald, E.F., Belanger, E.E., Gomez, M.I., Hwang, S.A., Jansing, R.L., & Hicks, H.E. Environmental Research. 104(3): 352-60. 2007.
- Birth defects risk associated with maternal sport fish consumption: potential effect modification by sex of offspring. Mendola, P., Robinson, L.K., Buck, G.M., Druschel, C.M., Fitzgerald, E.F., Sever, L.E., & Vena, J.E. Environmental Research. 97(2): 134-41. 2005.
- Fish consumption and other environmental exposures and their associations with serum PCB concentrations among Mohawk women at Akwesasne. Fitzgerald, E.F., Hwang, S.A., Langguth, K., Cayo, M., Yang, B.Z., Bush, B., Worswick, P., & Lauzon, T. Environmental Research. 94(2): 160-70. 2004.
- Maternal fish consumption and infant birth size and gestation: New York State Angler Cohort Study. Buck, G.M., Tee, G.P., Fitzgerald, E.F., Vena, J.E., Weiner, J.M., Swanson, M., & Msall, M.E. Environmental Health. 2(1): 7. 2003.