Tonawanda Study Area: Health Outcomes Review

Adverse Birth Outcomes & Cancer Incidence

The New York State Department of Health conducted a health outcomes review for Tonawanda and surrounding areas in Erie County in response to community concerns about potential health effects from exposures to emissions from the area's industries and motor vehicle traffic. Concerns were heightened after the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation released results from an air quality monitoring study in 2009. Working with community members and the Department of Environmental Conservation, the State Health Department developed a Tonawanda health outcomes study area, with several sub-areas, during 2010 - 2012.

Final Report: Biomonitoring Recommendation & Responses to Public Comments

In this final version, a recommendation was added for the New York State Department of Health to work with the community to carry out a biomonitoring project to address ongoing concerns about exposures among residents of the study area. The final report also includes an additional appendix (Appendix E) containing responses to public comments received after the draft report was released in February 2013.

Public Meetings

The New York State Department of Health will be hosting public meetings on the following dates to discuss the report:

  • Wednesday, November 6, 2013 at 7 p.m., at the Sheridan Parkside Community Center, 169 Sheridan Parkside Drive, Tonawanda
  • Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 7 p.m., at the St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1453 Staley Road, Grand Island

These meetings will include a brief presentation followed by a question & answer period.

For Additional Information

For additional information or paper copies of the full final report, e-mail or call James Bowers at (518) 402-7950.