Village of Liberty: Health Outcomes Review

A health outcomes review was conducted for the Village of Liberty because of concerns about potential health effects from exposures to methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in the water supply system from 1979 to 1999. A health outcomes review examines a particular group of people as a whole to see how it compares to a group not living in the area of concern. This health outcomes review focuses on adverse birth outcomes, including low birth weight and prematurity outcomes and birth defects, and cancer.

In December 1992, contamination of water from the Village of Liberty's Elm Street well by the gasoline additive MTBE was discovered at levels that exceeded the New York State Department of Health drinking water standard in effect at that time.

Residents of the Village of Liberty and the Town of Liberty's Ferndale and Stevensville water districts were potentially exposed to MTBE at levels above the applicable Health Department drinking water standard for an undetermined amount of time; possibly, from as early as 1979, when MTBE was first used as a gasoline additive, to January 1993 when the distribution system was flushed and the well was temporarily taken out of service. Village residents were potentially exposed to levels above the applicable standard again for the month of November 1993. Water testing data from 2004 through 2009 show no elevations in MTBE.

Health Outcomes Review-Adverse Birth Outcomes and Cancer Incidence

For Additional Information

  • For more information about the birth outcomes report, contact:
    June Moore, Research Scientist
    Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology, Center for Environmental Health
    518-402-7950 or
  • For more information about the cancer incidence report, contact:
    Aura Weinstein, Director, Cancer Surveillance Program
    Bureau of Chronic Disease Epidemiology and Surveillance, Center for Community Health