Hinckley Reservoir
About the Final Report
The Hinckley Reservoir Working Group submitted its final report to Governor Paterson on April 30, 2008. Included within the report are 10 recommendations that will help improve management of the Hinckley Reservoir and other associated water resources. The report is 151 pages and includes many additional pages in appendix items.
Additional information about the Hinckley Reservoir, including current water levels, can be found at the New York State Canal Corporation Website.
How to obtain the report:
- Download entire report from the New York State Library at: Full Hinckley Reservoir Working Group Report from the digital collections of the NY State Library, or
- Download the main report (does not include appendices).
- For the full report on CD-ROM, or to request the appendices:
- E-mail: ceheduc@health.state.ny.us
- Telephone: 518-402-7950 or 1-800-458-1158 or
- Mail:
- Center for Environmental Health
Outreach and Education Group
Empire State Plaza-Corning Tower, Room 1642
Albany, New York 12237
- Center for Environmental Health
About the Working Group
On October 19, 2007, Governor Eliot Spitzer directed the formation of the Hinckley Reservoir Working Group. The Working Group was charged by the Governor to examine specific issues surrounding the uses of water from the Hinckley Reservoir and to make recommendations regarding:
- the water levels needed at the Hinckley Reservoir to service drinking water needs, fisheries, power generation and canal operations;
- the capability of other canal reservoirs to help meet those needs;
- an early warning system to communicate drought situations to stakeholders and facilitate their communication regarding all competing needs; and
- a report of the water usage and meteorological data for 2006 and 2007 to better understand the factors that contributed to low reservoir conditions in the fall of 2007.
The Working Group held eight open meetings in Utica, NY that were attended by members of the public and elected officials. Additionally, the Working Group collected extensive information to help evaluate and understand the Hinckley Reservoir, the Delta Reservoir and other canal water resources.