Healthy Neighborhoods Program
The New York State Healthy Neighborhoods Program (HNP) seeks to reduce the burden of housing related illness and injury through a holistic, healthy homes approach. The program provides in-home assessments and interventions for asthma, tobacco cessation, indoor air quality, lead, fire safety, and other environmental health hazards in selected communities throughout New York. The program targets housing in high-risk areas that are identified using housing, health, and socioeconomic indicators from census and surveillance data. The HNP uses a combination of door-to-door canvassing (roughly 67 percent of visits) and referrals (32 percent of visits) to reach residents in these high-risk areas. During a visit, the home is assessed for environmental health and safety issues. For problems or potential hazards identified during the visit, an outreach worker provides education (written and verbal), referrals and products to help residents correct or reduce housing hazards related to:
- tobacco control
- fire safety
- lead poisoning prevention
- indoor air quality
- carbon monoxide poisoning
- radon
- ventilation and odors
- temperature and humidity
- cleaning and clutter
- pests
- mold/mildew and moisture
- structural issues
- asthma
- other health and safety issues (e.g., injury prevention)
About 22 percent of homes receive an optional revisit. Revisits are typically scheduled 3-6 months after the initial visit. During a revisit, the home is reassessed and any new or ongoing problems or hazards are addressed. One-year asthma follow-up visits should assess a reduction of household allergens, improved asthma management, successful referrals, and public satisfaction with the program.
What Counties Participate?
Seventeen counties and New York City are currently funded to provide services to residents in target neighborhoods. Services vary in each county. To learn more about who is eligible to participate or what services are available in each county, visit your county's website:
New York State Healthy Neighborhoods Program - Saving Lives, Saving Money
Studies by the New York State Department of Health and the National Center for Healthy Housing in Columbia, MD, confirm that the New York State Healthy Neighborhoods Program is helping people with asthma achieve better health while also saving money and improving household conditions.
View published articles
An Evaluation of a State-Funded Healthy Homes Intervention on Asthma Outcomes in Adults and Children
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