Commissioner's Medical Grand Rounds

The Commissioner's Medical Grand Rounds offers an opportunity for healthcare professionals to hear from subject matter experts from both inside and outside the NYS Department of Health about issues relevant to the health of all New Yorkers. A goal of the program is for all New York State providers have access to timely and evidence-based information that can improve patient care, regardless of their practice setting.

As of Fall 2024, Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credits are made available by the Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) to viewers of each live Grand Rounds session. We aim to encourage participation from providers all over the state of New York.

**The Grand Rounds series is designed for New York physicians; however, other healthcare professionals are encouraged to tune in. Certificates of Attendance can be provided, which participants will be responsible for submitting to their accrediting body for credit.

Upcoming Session:

Archived Sessions:

For questions about Grand Rounds, please email