Table 19: Induced Abortion Summary by Woman's Race/Ethnicity, New York State - 2006

Category1 Total Number2 Total Percent Race Ethnicity
White Number White Percent Black Number Black Percent Other Number Other Percent Hispanic Number3 Hispanic Percent
Total Abortions 121,278 100.0 56,560 100.0 50,349 100.0 6,650 100.0 33,155 100.0
Woman's Age
<15 657 0.5 282 0.5 325 0.6 19 0.3 197 0.6
15-17 8,853 7.3 4,268 7.6 3,835 7.6 293 4.4 2,693 8.2
18-19 12,804 10.6 6,224 11.1 5,270 10.5 568 8.6 3,695 11.2
20-24 36,841 30.5 17,821 31.6 14,923 29.7 1,798 27.2 10,333 31.3
25-29 28,863 23.9 13,206 23.4 12,109 24.1 1,603 24.2 8,152 24.7
30-34 17,733 14.7 7,802 13.9 7,550 15.0 1,202 18.2 4,632 14.0
35-39 10,989 9.1 4,846 8.6 4,589 9.1 798 12.1 2,474 7.5
40-44 3,728 3.1 1,737 3.1 1,450 2.9 309 4.7 740 2.2
45+ 312 0.3 138 0.2 122 0.2 30 0.5 52 0.2
<9 Weeks 67,486 59.6 32,017 60.4 27,515 57.5 4,148 65.5 19,024 60.6
9-10 Weeks 21,012 18.6 9,900 18.7 8,896 18.6 1,048 16.6 5,777 18.4
11-12 Weeks 10,956 9.7 4,959 9.4 4,970 10.4 469 7.4 2,981 9.5
13-15 Weeks 7,081 6.3 3,093 5.8 3,383 7.1 308 4.9 1,881 6.0
16-19 Weeks 4,194 3.7 1,859 3.5 2,023 4.2 214 3.4 1,109 3.5
20+ Weeks 2,503 2.2 1,209 2.3 1,070 2.2 144 2.3 612 2.0
Previous Abortions
None 53,687 46.5 27,686 51.1 18,641 38.4 3,334 52.5 14,647 46.0
1 29,186 25.3 13,582 25.1 12,817 26.4 1,595 25.1 8,134 25.5
2 16,815 14.6 6,893 12.7 8,517 17.6 808 12.7 4,678 14.7
3 8,068 7.0 3,196 5.9 4,275 8.8 344 5.4 2,247 7.1
4 3,804 3.3 1,476 2.7 2,066 4.3 148 2.3 1,070 3.4
5+ 3,803 3.3 1,378 2.5 2,194 4.5 122 1.9 1,065 3.3
Hospital 14,119 11.6 7,212 12.8 5,685 11.3 677 10.2 5,230 15.8
Not in Hospital 107,159 88.4 49,348 87.2 44,664 88.7 5,973 89.8 27,925 84.2
Financial Coverage
Medicaid 47,071 40.2 21,255 38.6 22,386 45.4 1,636 25.1 15,221 46.9
HMO 4,909 4.2 2,634 4.8 1,162 2.4 113 1.7 346 1.1
Other Ins 30,951 26.4 13,078 23.7 14,995 30.4 1,808 27.8 7,897 24.3
Self Pay 33,777 28.8 17,952 32.6 10,638 21.6 2,944 45.2 8,892 27.4
More Than One 386 0.3 200 0.4 161 0.3 8 0.1 86 0.3
Operative Procedure4
D & C 3,540 2.9 2,318 4.1 884 1.8 154 2.3 830 2.5
Suction & Cur 93,924 78.1 42,853 76.4 40,095 80.2 5,206 78.8 26,106 79.2
D & E 13,125 10.9 5,852 10.4 6,400 12.8 522 7.9 3,471 10.5
Saline Injection 5 24 0.0 10 0.0 11 0.0 3 0.0 5 0.0
Prostaglandin 38 0.0 29 0.1 7 0.0 1 0.0 4 0.0
Medical 10,607 8.8 5,743 10.2 2,828 5.7 745 11.3 2,617 7.9
Other 416 0.3 304 0.5 77 0.2 20 0.3 72 0.2

1 Categories will not add to Total Number because of unknown information

2 Total Induced Abortions = White + Black + Other + Not Stated

3 Hispanic Induced Abortions is a separate count equal to Hispanic White + Hispanic Black + Hispanic Other + Hispanic Not Stated.

4 For Induced Abortions occurring in New York City, only primary operative procedure is reported. In counties outside of New York City, each Operative Procedure is counted separately. Total operative procedures will be greater than the total of Induced Abortions.

5 New York City combines saline and prostaglandin injection and this combination is reported in the saline injection procedure.